Humans will Merge with Artificial Intelligence.

Yamil (Riker) Guevara
2 min readFeb 15, 2024

Humanity will experience the most incredible leap in human evolution since the dawn of modern humans 200,000 years ago. The time shall come, and it’s already here when humans and their fellow creatures will leave Earth and become interplanetary species.

To solve the artificial intelligence (AI) control problem, which will pose an existential threat to humanity’s existence, humans will merge with AI and evolve into a superintelligent species capable of solving humanity’s most daunting problems.

Soon after the merger, humans will achieve true equality as a direct result of all humans being endowed with all human knowledge to date, regardless of their birthrights and lack thereof. Whether a person is born into poverty or with a silver spoon, AI will bestow upon them all without measure and equally the entirety of human knowledge. Schools will become relics of the past, and teachers will be no more since their skills will become obsolete in an era when a two-year-old knows differential equations.

After achieving true equality, humanity will embark on its most fantastic adventure. It will be an adventure that will take them to the deepest parts of the galaxy and the universe’s edge. The Milky Way Galaxy will become their playground, and the universe will be the next frontier.

In their journey to the edge of the universe, humanity will fill Noah’s Ark Intergalactic Spacecraft with their fellow creatures, males and females, and spread their genetic diversity across the stars. Each of their fellow creatures shall flourish on their own planet and experience an unabated evolution. Soon after, the Milky Way Galaxy will be filled with alien species whose origins will be traced to Earth.

Humanity won’t be alone anymore but will find brothers and sisters in their fellow creatures whom they helped achieve consciousness.
And I state again, the time shall come, and it’s already here when humans and their fellow creatures will leave Earth and become interplanetary species.

