ICO Scam Alert: „ZeroEdge“ Is All Fake

Simon Casey
5 min readMar 27, 2018


„Revolutionary Casino Where Everyone Wins!“ announces a tempting description of „ZeroEdge“ casino. A casino that doesn‘t work and probably never will. Because the casino and the „Zerocoins“ they are launching on March 27 are all fake.

How to recognize a wolf in sheep’s clothing when the herd is that big? Well, it’s not that easy. “Confido”, “Karbon”, “Hong Coin”, “ToTheMoon” and many others have managed to raise hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars of investments during their ICO and the only thing their creators have done successfully was disappearing, sometimes even leaving the last message. The sole purpose of those projects was to take your money away from you.

The ICO hocus-pocus list will soon have one more entry: “Zerocoin” and a platform their creators are bragging to launch, “ZeroEdge”. This project has all the indications of an ICO scam. The good thing is that the fraudsters have made one decisive mistake earlier than their ICO has even started.

Let’s look at what “ZeroEdge” and their creators really are.


The ‘About Us’ section on the website is empty and An erroneous “Coming soon” message also appears when visiting ‘News’ and ‘Investors’ pages.

Source zeroedge.bet

“Zerocoin” website is far more comprehensive. It has all the team members listed and on the very top of that list is the CEO, Adrian Casey.

Source zerocoin.bet

A person, that came into existence only this year. A person, who will cease to exist as soon as the ICO is finished. The only thing you might find about him on the whole internet is a profile on “LinkedIn” with dubious information and some press releases related to “ZeroEdge” and “Zerocoin”.

Adrian Casey claims to have worked at well known gambling companies, “William Hill” and “CentreBet”. However, both of those companies verify that such a person had never worked for them.

There’s also a fresh “Facebook” profile created last year, with one photo and a few dozen random friends.

Source Facebook

There are several “Youtube” videos (e.g. Keith Wareing channel and ICO HUB) interviewing Casey about this project. The weird thing is that a person presenting himself as ‘native UK citizen’ speaks with distinct East-European accent.

Source Youtube

Employees of “ZeroEdge” are also fake. “Facebook” account and profile names of Zoe Golan, company’s CFO, and Web Analyst Marissa Pearce are different (the account name can be seen in URL), they have a few dozen friends and you won’t find anything about them on “Google” either.

Source Facebook
Source Facebook

Sham page

“ZeroEdge” also has a bunch of respected advisors. Some of them might be real, some fake, but the fact is that there were more of them and they simply disappeared from the website a few days ago. Because they never had anything to do with the project and the only advice they gave for “ZeroEdge” was to remove their photos and names from the list, as soon as they found out about it.

Source LinkedIn.com

In order to conceal the evidence the address for “Zerocoin” ICO was recently changed from Tokensale.zeroedge.bet to Zerocoin.bet, but you can always search for an old version of the website (e.g. on Archive.org) and compare it to the current one. The link you need is here.

Source web.archive.org

Source web.archive.org

Now, let’s get back to “ZeroEdge”. A message on the top of the website announces: “ZeroEdge” platform will be live after all “Zercoins” gets distributed through an Initial Coin Offering”.

Source zeroedge.bet

Confusingly, they already have some games, and all of them are taken from free platforms. Their “Poker” is simply a free game of “Jacks or better” from casinotop10.net,

Source zeroedge.bet
Source casinotop10.net/free-jacks-or-better

“Classic Slots” is from codecanyon.net

Source zeroedge.bet

and the “Roulette 3D” is taken from “Microsoft Store”.

Source zeroedge.bet
Source microsoft.com

Moreover, “ZeroEdge” used to brag to have a Curacao casino license. Instead, the license they used to refer to belongs to one of their competitors, an actual smart-contract based casino. After a compliance letter from Curacao authorities the claim was removed.
You can find letters of zeroedge.bet criminal activity here and here.

Source zeroedge.bet

By the way, it was not a mistake, it was THE mistake. The aggressive mimicking of existing ICO projects has drawn attention from gambling regulation authorities and other cryptocurrency projects. It didn’t take long to detect stinky fish.

Bad news is that during the pre-ICO “Zerocoin” managed to attract 1500 ETH of investments with their aggressive marketing campaign. Good news is that their pre-ICO 2 is set to start only on Tuesday, March 27, so there is still time to stop it. Or at least spread the news, and catch the scammers red-handed.

