How Digital Twins are Transforming Manufacturing Industry

Riley Claire
3 min readNov 8, 2023


Manufacturing is considered to be one of the top industries, especially when it comes to the economic development of a particular state or country. But, despite technical and non-technical advancements in the manufacturing sector, there are still a few pitfall that needs to be addressed and tactically worked upon. With the advent of digital twins and its result-oriented application, it is steadily proving to be a game-changer for the manufacturing industry. In this article, you will get to know what is a digital twin and how it is transforming the manufacturing industry.

digital twin

What is a Digital twin?

It is considered to be a virtual doppelganger of an environment, process or physical object. In other words, it is a high-end software that works as a digital re-creation of a material equivalent.

The relevance of digital twins in the manufacturing industry:

The virtual replicas of processes, products and physical machines are referred to as digital twins in manufacturing. The entire production process is replicated which includes raw materials, equipment and machinery and provides the dynamics of the functioning of an object in the real world.

The design model for a future asset can also be represented by a digital twin, which can be maintained and updated to reflect the asset’s as-built state during the operational and construction phases of its lifecycle.

Digital twins are used by manufacturers so that different scenarios can be simulated and potential improvements can be tested, which, in turn, can increase productivity, improve efficiency and reduce costs in manufacturing. When the data is analyzed by the digital twin platform, informed decisions can be made by manufacturers about changes to the process or physical object.

Following are a few key factors that depict how digital twins can transform the manufacturing industry:

1. Preventive maintenance and equipment monitoring: A precise virtual equivalent in real-time is provided by digital twins of machines, which, in turn, provides maintenance staff with a detailed breakdown of health and equipment performance. Through the platform of AI, potential failures can be identified by digital twins before they occur and thus help manufacturers take proactive measures.

Augmented reality smart glasses can be used by field technicians so that accurate models can be viewed that have been overlaid on the physical machines on the factory floor.

2. New products are being tested: Updated configurations can be tested by manufacturers with a significantly lower risk of incurring costly miscalculations. The simulation of multiple scenarios has become easier, faster and more effective when compared to physical testing.

The tedious trial-and-error process need not be undertaken by the frontline workers to test updated and new products within an existing system, as they can leverage the platform of digital twins.

3. Enhancing system designs: Digital twins are used by manufacturing teams so that new production lines can be planned and tested. This means before a physical system is created, optimization areas and potential issues can be identified, which, in turn, results in saving money and time. The platform of digital twins can be used to plan warehouse designs in a more efficient manner.

4. Employees being trained: Employees can be trained and real-world scenarios can be simulated, which, in turn, helps the employees gain knowledge and experience without the risk of getting damaged. For example, when a digital twin of a production line is being created, employees can learn how to enhance efficiency, troubleshoot problems and operate the equipment efficiently.

5. Managing quality: To reduce rework and ensure top-notch quality, the data needs to be continuously monitored and responded to during production. Every aspect of the production process can be modeled by the digital twins so that inconsistencies can be pinpointed and areas can be identified where better processes or materials could be utilized.

Conclusion: The strategic application of digital twins can help manufacturers optimize innovation, value and efficiency at every level of the manufacturing process. To get more detailed insights and relevant knowledge, get connected with a professional organization that precisely knows the workings of digital twins from the inside out.

