Is test automation part of DevOps?

Riley Claire
2 min readDec 15, 2022


Yes, test automation is a part of DevOps. DevOps test automation proves to be important and the following points justify it:

  • Human errors are decreased
    • The hassle of tests is decreased
    • Products are provided at a faster pace
    • A reliable quality assurance structure is provided.
DevOps Test Automation

The strategic importance of DevOps test automation:

Developers focus on writing unit tests so that the code can be validated in order to know whether it is working as expected. Automated UI tests are created by product owners and quality practitioners so that the end-to-end user experience is validated. Exploratory testing sessions are also organized by quality practitioners, where the team manually examines various application areas to fix issues.

The best practice of DevOps test automation is to run automated tests early and often within the CI/CD pipeline. Automated UI tests are run in production so that user experience issues can be proactively monitored. Synthetic transaction monitoring should be performed by running tests in production, to detect issues with third-party services before the users do.

Benefits of DevOps test automation:

Automation plays a crucial role in making releases quickly in a matter of hours. Automation should be implemented throughout the pipeline to make frequent and quick releases. The objectives of DevOps can be achieved when high-quality value is delivered to customers via fast and frequent deliveries. For this specific purpose, the incorporation of automation testing is required.

Automation removes the dependency on individual, manual errors and performs testing at a faster pace, thus achieving accuracy, which in turn results in attaining reliability and consistency. High-quality delivery can be expected by automation testing, thereby enabling faster releases and more frequent releases.

Following are a few key benefits of DevOps test automation:

• Dependency and manual errors are removed
• No. of deliverables is increased and latency is removed
• The lead time is reduced and the frequency of releases is increased
• Faster feedback is provided
• Enables consistency, reliability and speed.

