My Dive into the World of Data Analytics

Rilly Janirawanty
3 min readJun 19, 2023


Hi, fellow readers! Today I’m gonna mark this post as a significant milestone for me as a newbie in Data Analytics. In this blog, I would like to share the exhilaration, challenges, and insights I have gained thus far on this exciting journey. Join me as I explore the world of data analytics, unearthing valuable nuggets of information and discovering the power of data-driven decision-making.

Have you ever had a moment when everything suddenly falls into place, and you discover a passion that ignites your soul? For me, that moment arrived during this pandemic when I found this research project that would forever change my trajectory. Little did I know that this project would introduce me to the captivating world of data analytics and set me on a path of endless fascination.

Sometimes, inspiration strikes when we least expect it, unveiling a world of possibilities we never knew existed. My own journey into the captivating realm of data analytics was sparked by the sheer magnitude of information that projects with extensive datasets have to offer. Witnessing the potential insights waiting to be discovered within these datasets was nothing short of awe-inspiring, and it ignited a profound passion within me.

As I stumbled upon projects that provided vast amounts of data, my curiosity was piqued. I was drawn to the immense scope and richness of information encapsulated within those datasets. The thought that every data point held the potential to reveal patterns, relationships, and transformative insights was both humbling and exhilarating.

With each project I encountered, whether it was in the field of finance or others, I marveled at the breadth and depth of data available. The realization that these projects were not just numbers and statistics, but intricate stories waiting to be told, left me in awe. The data painted a vivid picture of the challenges and opportunities that lay before us, and it became evident that data analytics held the key to unlocking a world of knowledge and understanding.

The sheer scale and complexity of these datasets pushed me to explore and enhance my analytical skills. I sought to understand the tools, techniques, and methodologies that could extract meaning from the vast expanse of information at hand. The more I learned, the more I appreciated the transformative power of data analytics in unraveling the hidden narratives and driving evidence-based decision-making.

The projects that provided copious amounts of data became my inspiration, my guiding light into the world of data analytics. They showcased the potential for breakthroughs, innovation, and positive change that lie within the realm of data. Each project I encountered served as a testament to the incredible value that data-driven insights could offer, propelling me further along this exhilarating path.

Now, armed with the knowledge and skills I have acquired, I am passionate about embarking on my own data analytics journey. I am driven by the prospect of working with massive datasets, exploring their intricacies, and unearthing invaluable insights that can drive meaningful actions and solutions.

In this blog, I’m gonna share all thoughts about Data Analytics, also my projects I’ve been working on. Join me as we embark on this adventure together, where we harness the power of data to navigate the complexities of our world. Let’s embrace the challenges, celebrate the discoveries, and unlock the true potential of data analytics.

