Can an End Mill Cut Vertically?

10 min readSep 19, 2023


One of the most frequently asked questions by both amateur machinists and professionals in the manufacturing industry is, “Can an end mill cut vertically?” The question is a fundamental one, considering that end mills are a cornerstone in CNC machining and manual milling. In this blog, we will delve deep into the capabilities of end mills, focusing on their ability to perform vertical cuts. Understanding the capabilities and limitations of your tools is crucial for achieving the best results in any manufacturing or machining process.

What is an End Mill?

An end mill is a type of cutting tool used primarily in milling applications. Milling is a machining process that involves the removal of material from a workpiece to achieve desired shapes, dimensions, and features. End mills come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and materials, each designed to accomplish specific tasks within the milling process. While similar to drill bits in that they can remove material, end mills are engineered to execute a wider range of cuts, such as peripheral milling, pocketing, and profile machining.

Different Types of End Mills

There are several types of end mills, categorized based on their design, material, and intended application. The most commonly used types include:

· Flat End Mills: Ideal for creating flat surfaces.

· Ball Nose End Mills: Used for creating complex curved surfaces.

· Roughing End Mills: Engineered to remove large amounts of material rapidly.

· Corner Radius End Mills: Designed for enhanced tool life and reduced chipping.

Each type has its unique geometry and cutting-edge design that suit specific tasks. Understanding the differences is crucial for selecting the right end mill for your project.

Anatomy of an End Mill

The physical structure of an end mill can be complex, especially when you consider the engineering required for high-speed cutting. Some of the key parts include:

· Cutting Edges: These are the sharp blades located at the end and along the flutes of the tool. Their primary role is to shear through the workpiece.

· Flutes: The grooves or channels cut into the body of the end mill. Flutes dictate the rate at which chips are removed from the workpiece.

· Shank: The end of the end mill opposite the cutting edges, which is held in the tool holder or spindle of the milling machine. It’s often cylindrical but may have other shapes for specialized gripping mechanisms.

· Helix Angles: This refers to the angle at which the flutes are cut into the end mill. The helix angle can greatly affect the cutting efficiency and chip removal capabilities of the tool.

End Mill Materials

End mills are made from a variety of materials, each chosen for its specific cutting properties. Some of the most common materials are:

· High-Speed Steel (HSS): Provides good wear resistance and is suitable for general-purpose applications.

· Carbide: Offers high hardness and heat resistance, ideal for cutting harder materials and achieving faster speeds.

· Cobalt: Provides superior heat and wear resistance compared to HSS.

· Ceramic: Extremely hard but brittle, used for specific high-speed applications.

Coatings and Surface Treatments

Advanced coatings such as Titanium Nitride (TiN), Titanium Carbonitride (TiCN), and Aluminum Titanium Nitride (AlTiN) are often applied to improve the tool’s life and performance, especially in challenging materials and high-speed conditions.

In summary, an end mill is not just a simple cutting tool; it’s an intricately engineered tool designed for precision and efficiency in a multitude of milling applications. From its complex geometry to the material and coatings, every aspect of an end mill is optimized for specific tasks, making it an indispensable tool in modern manufacturing and machining.

Anatomy of an End Mill

The anatomy of an end mill is a fascinating subject that delves into the specific structural and functional elements that make this tool so versatile and effective. Understanding its anatomy not only helps you appreciate the intricacies involved in its design but also enables you to make more informed decisions for your machining applications.

Flute Geometry

One of the essential features that set end mills apart is the geometry of their flutes. Different geometries will influence the effectiveness of chip evacuation, heat generation, and the finish quality of the workpiece. The most commonly used flute geometries include straight and spiral (or helical) flutes. Helical flutes offer better chip evacuation and a smoother cut but can be more challenging to manufacture, making them often more expensive than straight-fluted end mills.

Cutting Diameter and Length of Cut

The cutting diameter refers to the width of the cutting area and is one of the most crucial dimensions for end mill selection. The length of cut is the length of the cutting edges that engage with the workpiece. Both dimensions are interrelated and influence the tool’s stability, cutting efficiency, and the quality of the workpiece. It’s important to note that the cutting diameter and length of cut must suit the requirements of the specific machining operation to ensure optimal performance.

Core Diameter

The core diameter represents the thickest section of the end mill, usually located behind the cutting edges. It gives the tool its rigidity and determines its bending resistance. A larger core diameter usually provides greater tool stability but may compromise chip evacuation, especially in deeper cuts. Thus, the core diameter is a balancing act between rigidity and chip clearance.

Shank and Tool Holders

While much of the focus is on the cutting end, the shank is equally important as it interfaces with the tool holder or spindle. Shanks can be straight, tapered, or feature specialized geometries for more secure holding. Proper matching between the shank and tool holder ensures concentricity and reduces vibration, contributing to a smoother machining operation.

Tolerance and Coatings

Manufacturing tolerances can be a significant factor, especially when tight tolerances are required for the finished part. Superior quality end mills are engineered to exacting tolerances to ensure reliable, repeatable performance. In addition, various coatings can be applied to the cutting surfaces for increased hardness, heat resistance, and lubricity. Common coatings include Titanium Nitride (TiN), Titanium Carbonitride (TiCN), and Aluminum Titanium Nitride (AlTiN).

Overall Length

The overall length of the end mill affects the maximum depth to which it can cut and also influences how much leverage can be applied during milling. A longer tool will generally have a greater reach but may also be more susceptible to deflection or breakage, especially when lateral forces are high.

Cutting Edge Profile

Last but not least, the cutting edge profile determines the tool’s suitability for specific types of cuts. For example, sharp-edged tools are preferred for softer materials, whereas a rounded edge might be more appropriate for hard or abrasive materials to increase tool life.

Understanding these anatomical features and how they interact can significantly impact your milling operations. By choosing the right tool based on its anatomy, you can optimize performance, improve finish quality, and extend tool life.

Vertical Cutting with End Mills

The topic of vertical cutting with end mills is an interesting subject that holds great importance in the realm of machining and manufacturing. Vertical cutting is essentially when the end mill is positioned to cut with its tip and removes material in the Z-axis, either plunging into the workpiece or moving upward to create a pocket.

The Versatility of End Mills in Vertical Cutting

End mills are incredibly versatile tools capable of performing a variety of operations, and vertical cutting is no exception. Unlike drills, which are primarily designed for vertical cutting, end mills can cut laterally as well. This flexibility makes them indispensable in complex milling applications where intricate shapes and profiles are needed.

Importance of Tool Geometry

When it comes to vertical cutting, the tool geometry, particularly the helix angle and cutting edge design, can make a significant difference. A low helix angle, typically around 30 degrees, is generally more efficient for vertical plunge cuts. This is because a lower helix angle offers more axial force, which is beneficial in resisting the upward forces generated during a plunge. On the other hand, high-helix end mills, usually featuring a 45-degree or greater helix angle, are not as well-suited for pure vertical cutting but are excellent for ramping and other angled entry methods.

Plunge Rate and Chip Evacuation

The plunge rate or the speed at which the tool moves into the material is another critical factor to consider. A too-fast plunge rate can cause tool breakage or lead to poor surface finish. The design of the end mill also affects chip evacuation during vertical cuts. Flutes must be able to efficiently channel the chips away, especially when working with materials that produce long, stringy chips, such as aluminum. In such cases, specialized flute designs and chipbreakers may be necessary.

Stability and Rigidity

The stability of the tool and machine setup is crucial during vertical cutting. Any imbalance or misalignment can result in tool deflection, causing poor surface finish and dimensional inaccuracies. Some advanced end mills come with variable flute spacing and irregular helix angles to reduce vibration and improve stability during vertical cutting operations.

Application-Specific Considerations

Vertical cutting with end mills is commonly employed in various applications, such as pocket milling, die and mold making, and creating deep slots or cavities. However, the specific requirements can vary significantly depending on the material being cut, machine capabilities, and the end-use of the part. Therefore, selecting the right end mill for vertical cutting is not just about the tool but also about how it fits into the larger context of the application.

Coatings and Material Compatibility

Lastly, the coating on the end mill plays a role in its efficiency in vertical cutting operations. Some coatings, like Titanium Nitride (TiN) or Aluminum Titanium Nitride (AlTiN), offer improved heat resistance, reducing wear and extending the tool’s lifespan, especially crucial in applications involving hard materials or high cutting temperatures.

In summary, vertical cutting with end mills is a multifaceted subject that involves understanding various parameters, such as tool geometry, plunge rate, stability, and material compatibility. By considering these factors, one can optimize the vertical cutting process for higher efficiency, better finish quality, and extended tool life.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Vertical Cutting with End Mills

The topic of vertical cutting is nuanced and offers both distinct advantages and disadvantages that are critical for operators and engineers to understand. This level of understanding is especially vital when selecting the right end milling tools for specific vertical cutting applications.


1. Material Removal Efficiency: One of the key advantages of vertical cutting with end mills is the efficient removal of material. This is particularly beneficial in applications that require deep cavities or slots to be created in the workpiece.

2. Versatility: The versatility of end mills for vertical cutting is unquestionable. They can be used for various applications, from pocket milling to die and mold making, allowing for high flexibility in machining operations.

3. Precision and Accuracy: Unlike some other cutting tools, end mills can provide highly precise and accurate vertical cuts, which is crucial in industries like aerospace, automotive, and medical device manufacturing, where even a small deviation can be catastrophic.

4. Reduced Tool Inventory: Because end mills are multi-functional tools capable of both lateral and vertical cutting, they help in reducing the tool inventory. This is a cost-effective benefit that simplifies tool selection and inventory management.

5. Advanced Coatings: The availability of advanced coatings extends the lifespan of end mills, especially when cutting abrasive or hard materials. This is crucial for maintaining operational efficiency and reducing downtime.

6. Less Heat Generation: Properly chosen end mills with the right helix angle can reduce heat generation during vertical cutting. This is critical when machining materials sensitive to high temperatures, such as certain plastics or aluminum alloys.


1. Tool Deflection Risks: Vertical cutting puts axial forces on the end mill, which may result in tool deflection if the tool or setup is not adequately rigid. This deflection can affect the surface finish and dimensional accuracy adversely.

2. Machine Capability: Not all milling machines are equipped to handle the rigidity and power required for efficient vertical cutting. Suboptimal machinery can lead to poor performance and tool failure.

3. Cost: High-quality end mills, especially those with specialized coatings or geometries for specific materials, can be expensive. Therefore, the initial investment for tooling can be significant, affecting the project’s overall economics.

4. Learning Curve: Understanding the right end mill for vertical cutting requires a certain level of expertise. The need for frequent tool changes, due to wear or breakage, can also add complexity to the operation.

5. Chip Evacuation Challenges: In deep vertical cutting operations, chip evacuation can become an issue, especially if the end mill design is not optimized for effective chip removal. This can lead to tool breakage or poor surface finish.

6. Material Limitations: Not all materials are well-suited for vertical cutting with end mills. Hard or abrasive materials can cause rapid tool wear, while soft or gummy materials might not be machined efficiently due to poor chip evacuation.

Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of vertical cutting with end mills is integral for selecting the right tool for your application. By considering these factors, you can make more informed decisions that will optimize your machining processes, saving time, reducing costs, and improving output quality.

In a word, yes, an end mill can certainly cut vertically, making it a versatile tool in both CNC and manual milling operations. However, there are many factors to consider, from material type to machine capabilities, when setting up for a vertical cut. Being aware of these considerations will allow you to make the most of your end milling operations, regardless of orientation.

