When upgrading motherboard and CPU

Michelle Samples
3 min readNov 26, 2022


It is said that the motherboard is the most important part of the computer. It is the core of your computer and it determines how fast it works. Therefore, if you want to upgrade your motherboard, then you must be careful because it will increase the cost of your system. So, In this article, Upgrading a motherboard and CPU.

The motherboard is the most expensive component of the computer, but you will not feel that much when you use your PC. The motherboard is responsible for holding the main components of your system such as RAM, CPU, hard drive, etc.

5 Reasons To Upgrade Motherboard

Are you tired of using the same old motherboard in your PC? If your answer is yes, then you are not alone. Every person wants to get new hardware in his/her system. It gives a feeling of being updated and updating your system with the latest technology.

But if you are using the old motherboard and CPU in your system, you must be thinking of upgrading your motherboard. If you are thinking of upgrading your motherboard, then here are some reasons that will make you understand the importance of it.

1. Speed and performance

It is obvious that you will not get the speed and performance of your system if you have an old motherboard. As you have upgraded your motherboard and CPU, you will get the performance of a new system.

2. Better graphics

If you are getting a laptop, then it is better to get a motherboard that supports better graphics. With an old motherboard, you will get low graphics performance. Modern graphics cards have higher resolution, greater colour depth, and more powerful shader units. The newer motherboards are designed to support these new technologies.

3. Better sound quality

If you have upgraded your motherboard and CPU, then it is better to have a good sound quality. If you are getting an old motherboard, it is impossible to get a good sound quality. The sound card and motherboard communicate with each other. If you have an old motherboard, then it will not be able to support advanced sound technologies.

4. Better battery life

If you are planning to buy a new computer, then you must be thinking of buying a laptop. If you are getting an old motherboard, it is impossible to get a longer battery life. The newer motherboards have better power management, thermal control and clock speed control features. These features improve the performance of the motherboard.

5. Less heat and noise

If you are getting a new system, then it is obvious that you will get less heat and noise. It is because of the new motherboard and CPU. The newer motherboards have better cooling fans. Therefore, they keep the temperature and noise down.


In conclusion, the most important thing you can do is ensure that your hardware components are up to date and compatible with your computer’s software. You can usually find the latest hardware components and drivers at a reputable online retailer, such as Amazon. Just make sure that you’re getting everything from a source that you know has a good reputation in the marketplace, and you’ll be fine.

So, it was evident that upgrading your motherboard will help you to get the speed and performance, better graphics, better sound quality, better battery life, less heat and noise.

