Why CPU is called Brain of Computer — A Guide For You

Michelle Samples
3 min readNov 21, 2022


The main job of the computer is to store data and perform tasks. And, this is done using the brain of the computer, which is called the CPU. If you are searching for why the CPU is called a brain, then you must know the basic terms and definitions of the computer. CPU stands for central processing unit, which is used to perform the primary job of the computer. When you turn on a computer, its first thing is to find the CPU. There is also a motherboard in the CPU. And the motherboard is the main part of the CPU. So, for your information, I can tell you about the solid red light on the motherboard.

If we have a look at the anatomy of the human body, we will find the human brain is the most complex organ of our body. There is no doubt that the brain is responsible for the body's functioning, so in the same way, the computer’s brain is responsible for the functioning of the computer.

5 Benefits Of The Brain Of Computer

Here are the 5 benefits you can easily by reading the following steps:

CPU Is The Brain Of The Computer

The CPU is the brain of the computer because it is the brain that controls the entire working of the computer. The CPU can be considered the heart of the computer because it is the part that is responsible for the execution of all the instructions that are given by the software of the computer.

CPU Performs The Primary Job

The computer’s brain or CPU performs the primary job of the computer. The CPU is the brain that helps the computer to execute the instructions given by the software. If we take a look at the structure of a computer, then we will find the CPU is the most important part of the computer.

Other Functions Of CPU

Apart from the main function of the CPU, it performs some other function too. The CPU helps to maintain the integrity of the programs. It ensures that the programs are run properly. The programs cannot be run unless the CPU is working. A computer can be used only when the CPU is working properly.


A memory is a storage which holds the data. There is a difference between RAM and ROM. RAM is the random access memory which is the area that is used by the CPU to perform the functions. ROM is the read only memory which is the area where the software is stored. The size of the RAM and ROM varies from one computer to another. The RAM is used to store the instructions, while the ROM is used to store the programs.

Processing and Storage

The processing is the job of the CPU. It is the function of the CPU to process the data. Storage is the area that is used to store the data. It is where the data gets processed. It is very important to have a good processing system. The Processing system is the most important part of the computer. The storage part of the computer is where the data is saved.


In conclusion, “The brain is a computer made of neurons.” This is one of the most important concepts in computing and a very useful definition for the human brain. A computer can be understood as a set of instructions which is able to perform certain calculations. There is no difference between a person’s brain and a computer. A computer is a tool that we use to solve our problems, just as the human brain solves our problems. The key difference between the two is that computers have been programmed to do certain things. Computers are not conscious. They just do what they are told to do, and that is why we call them “brains”.

