Our greatest glory is not falling, but in rising every time we fall

4 min readJan 26, 2018


I have always been a selfish girl, to live for my self and my benefits, I had never taken in to account what others needed from me, I always just expect from others, I used to ignore people and live on just one principle “ME and My Happiness”. But you can never feel the pain others suffer because of you until and unless you suffer and goes through the same. When people around me ignored me and I got to know my own value, my authoritative nature, also in those days I joined Amal Academy where I learnt the biggest lesson of life, “How to live for others”.

You have a choice to live your best life everyday, no matter how the circumstances are. Life is about action, it is about purpose, it is about not living by yourself but to let others live. If once you decided your purpose to live for others and change the society you’ll fail and fall every day but you have to pass and rise very next day, you will be a successful human if you could impact life of a single person.

“Nothing important happen in the life without a cost, May each of you live lives of immersion, they won’t necessarily be easy lives. But in the end, it is all that will sustain us”. (Jacqueline novogratz)

“Amal”, when this word comes in my mind, million trillion neurons work on those memories I had with those extraordinary people there, I got the best people, best friends, best family and best experience from “Amal Academy”. Numerous courses and session but my mind stuck on a single thing that is “Life of immersion”. Biggest lesson I have learnt from Amal is living a life of immersion, a life of purpose, a life for others, a life in the way life is meant to be lived.

Life of purpose does not mean to have your own goals, your own ideas and plans for your own success, but it’s a life to live with others and for others, but it should be regardless of any benefits. “You have never really lived, until you have done something for someone who can never repay you”, if all of us try to implement this rule in our lives, helping others without expectation of any return, we can make this world a worth living place.

If I think of implementing this lesson of “Living a life of immersion” in my life outside the fellowship, hundred thousands of ideas and people are around me, for whom I can do something, something not too huge but little acts of kindness, little deeds of happiness and little words of love can sooth them. I plan to implement this idea first in my own space, to people around me, my family, my friends, my surrounding, needy people around me and will leave my impact on them which will last longer.

To accomplish this goal and lesson, I have to put my self at second and others at first. I was really a selfish person, I have to serve myself for others whenever and however needed, because my little acts can change someones life, for example little piece of advice or career counselling for intermediate students can let them choose a better field for their future and change in a single person’s life will INSHALLAH bring a massive change in this society one day.

Another lesson which I have learnt from Amal Academy is “Humility and gratitude” not only Amal but our religion Islam always influence us to live a life of humility, living down to earth, Our PROPHET Hazrat Muhammad (S.A.W), always led a life of humility and humanity He even loved those who threw stone on Him, called Him with harsh words, abused Him, but He always prayed for them. Amal by organizing unique activities let me know the meaning of humanity, the activity of “Edhi fund raising” is a great example of working for humanity, our Mega Project about some social activities was also for our learning “How to be a useful part of society”.

“Your work should be not for the people of your religion but for whole human beings, because above religions we all are human beings” as Edhi Sahab said, “Serving humanity is the greatest religion”

