9 Hacks To Fix Why iPhone Battery Drains So Fast?

Rimsha Qasim
3 min readNov 25, 2023

If you are an iPhone user then listen to me would you ever encounter why your iPhone battery drains so fast? If you are currently facing this problem then don’t worry more.

Here in this article, I am going to share the major causes that drain your iPhone battery and the easy 9 solutions to make battery life healthiest. Remember the last one is the most interesting solution. So, read it and enjoy every iPhone’s features with long battery life.

Are you ready so let’s Go…

Causes That Drain iPhone’s Battery Fast?

First of all, we will discuss the main reasons that make your iPhone’s battery quickly low and you miss many updates and emergency contact with your loved ones.

There are some major factors listed below that may cause your iPhone battery to drain faster:

Meanwhile, the very important cause that is acceptable for many iPhone models is high signals. Yes, many users have 5G wifi mode on their iPhones.

So, the Signal strength is one of the factors apart from others that we are going to discuss below. The weaker the signal so your iPhone also needs high battery power.

why iphone battery drains fast?

However, here are a few factors that you also consider:

  • Brightness of screen- the more brightness you use, the more battery life will drain.
  • Wifi Power — Use of LTE even 4G will drain the battery faster than using 3G internet mode.
  • Low Power Mode On and Off — For many reasons, make sure to turn your power mode on. This will save the charging power and make battery life long.
  • No to high CPU usage apps: A lot of them require high CPU Usage like playing games and videos. Meanwhile, any background running app will make the life of the battery poor.
  • Use of Bluetooth, Airdrop — These appliances will drain the battery a little bit faster instead of just using speaker mode. But turning them off improves battery life.
  • Improper Temperature — Try to avoid using your iPhone while charging. Don’t put it near heat or even at a very low temperature.

Tips to Make Your iPhone’s Battery Life Long:

On the internet world, you will see many tips, and tricks for an iPhone battery life long. All these tips first do not apply to every user, You may have the proper know-how before applying them.

So, instead of wondering and listening to anyone, stop wondering more. Why??

Below I am going to share the best optimization tips ever experienced by even iPhone users who became successful in making their iPhone battery life good. You can also check the Apple support page.

Prefer to Turn ON the Dark mode, as it will save up to a maximum of 2% battery life.

Turn ON your all Siri ad blockers in case, if you are not using them.

Turn off all the location-demanding apps.

Prefer to use wifi signals with mostly 3G signals.

Turn off all unnecessary app notifications.

It is good to install updates but to save battery life turn off the automatic updation mode.

It is better to turn ON airplane mode when not in use.

why iphone battery drains fast?

Avoid using fast charges because their power capacity hurts the battery life.

Put your iPhone face down while using the don’t disturb mode.


  1. Is it good to use an iPhone while charging?

No, you just consume the electricity that will not only drain the battery but can cause an electricity explosion.

2. Can I use any other model charger with my own iPhone?

No, if your preferred charger is not made by Apple then avoid using it. It is best to use the charger that comes with your iPhone box.


As we discussed above why iPhone battery drains so fast and the possible optimization tricks for better iPhone’s battery life.

If you noticed, iPhone battery life complaints are very common. But with perfect mobile usage and above mentioned tips can help you in the long term.

Don’t worry more and enjoy your iPhone journey.



Rimsha Qasim

Content/Copywriter~ With fierecely Real Research and Radical Transparency for content write words that Sparks Readers Interest!