Rinse And Repeat. And Repeat.

Rinse and Repeat
2 min readFeb 3, 2017

Important note: This is semi-fiction- i.e. It’s all true, except for the numerous bits I had to make up. and all the other bits i made up just for the hell of it. Bui Vien is very much real though, and too brutal, weird and rotten to report objectively.

So… don’t assume that anything here is true, but neither should you assume that this sort of thing doesn’t happen: The truth is better told through the prism of fiction than the magnifying glass of ‘objectivity’ after all.

This site exists only to publish random chapters of ‘Rinse and Repeat’ in a chaotic and non-sequential fashion at a loose rate of one chapter every couple of days. (follow now to ensure you don’t miss an installment.)

The excerpts from ‘Rinse and Repeat’ are essentially fictional. Any resemblance to real people, events or savage debauchery is probably coincidental.

Rinse and Repeat is testament to the fact that no matter how far you run, you will never escape yourself. It is a look at the greasy underbellies of London and Saigon. Of youth culture, drug abuse and violence. Of Love, sex and unashamed dishonesty.

While if ordered properly the chapters fit into an cohesive story arc, I rather like the idea of giving you little snippets of savagery- snapshots of disgrace without context or explanation. By sampling these mini-tastes of disgusting revelations I hope you can whet your palette with the sweet taste of degradation without ruining your appetite for the banquet of cuntery that is yet to come.

If you like what you read, make sure you follow the blog. Sign up to the Mailing List Check out Rinse and Repeat on Twitter, remaining ever-vigilant for the inevitable and terrifying unveiling of the full, gruesome truth:

Rinse And Repeat is scheduled for publication winter 2017: Just in time to make a truly insensitive and insulting Christmas present for literally anyone with a normal sense of decency.



Rinse and Repeat

Semi-fiction from the slums of London to the slums of Saigon. Lies, rumours and more.True Journalism. Sign up for occasional emails here: https://goo.gl/f9xdp0