Japan 2017 — Part 2, People

Lawrence Ripsher
2 min readMay 27, 2017


Part 2 in a series (Part 1, Nature can be found here).

Here are a few portraits or street photos I took during our vacation. I love street photography but it’s harder for me — taking much more effort and focus than say landscape photography, which comes more naturally. I didn’t feel the pull or energy as much this time, but still managed to capture a few shots that were meaningful to me. Looking back, all seem to have a familiar theme — people during moments of relaxation, worship or silence. It’s bene said that every portrait is really a photo of the photographer, so perhaps this is a reflection of what I was seeking and craving at the time.

Akuri, at the Yufuin Ryokan where we stayed
Priest and tourists in mutual bow. This was during the “spiritual cleansing” process just before entering the sacred shrine at Takachiho Gorge
Quiet contemplation at Kōmyōzen-j Temple iin Dazaifu, a short train ride away from Fukuoka city. This was located just a couple of hundred yards away from one of the busiest streets in the region, yet had just a handful of visitors. One of the most beautiful and more serene gardens I’ve been in.
Visitor at the Kamado Shrine gift store. The shrine is said to have been founded by Emperor Tenji, over 13 centuries ago
Prayer at Tenman-gū, Dazaifu
Monk at Kamado Shrine, Dazaifu. The shrine is said to have been founded by Emperor Tenji, over 13 centuries ago



Lawrence Ripsher

I write about product management, photography, travel and startups