
Lawrence Ripsher
2 min readOct 25, 2016


Whisper.ws is one of the projects I’ve been working on as of late as I explore ephemeral sharing and developer tools. Whisper is useful when you want to share something once, and only once. There are several scenarios where this applies — sharing a password over instant messaging, a social security number over email or sharing environment variables between developers. Instead of sending your secret content, Whisper.ws allows you to share a “one time URL” which you can send to another person. That other person can then view that content once, after which it is expired. That means, if their email (or messaging account) ever gets hacked or stolen, your content is still safe.


Whisper’s design goals were to be is designed to be as simple as fast as possible. A few additional features:

  • Full responsive front end web site and REST API back end
  • Encryption and security throughout
  • Slack integration (add whisper.ws as a slash command /whisper)
  • Developer API’s and Node.js SDK
  • Built in throttling (by IP, developer key)
  • Open sourced on github to fork or deploy in your own environments

A bit on the tech:

  • Node.js throughout. Handlebars + HAPI for the view / rendering.
  • Redis as the back end (incl cluster support)
  • Docker for containerization / deployment

Feel free to add www.whisper.ws to your daily usage, or download / fork it over at Github.



Lawrence Ripsher

I write about product management, photography, travel and startups