Environmentalists run for Sierra Club board election, what happens next may surprise you…

Rebecca Lee
4 min readDec 17, 2015


by Rebecca Lee, Jacquelyn Omotalade, Leah Pimentel

We are running as an all-women-of-color slate for volunteer board positions with Sierra Club SF Bay Chapter’s “San Francisco Group Executive Committee.” If elected, we would be responsible for environmental advocacy before local government officials on behalf of the local chapter. We are so thankful to many of you who have already voted for us. We are grateful for the incredible support we’ve received from all corners of the environmental community. We are especially thankful for our friends, Lou and Maria, who volunteered their time to help with campaign photography and the website. Check out their excellent work! http://www.GreenSFwithColor.com #WomenGetItDone

We are proud to have received endorsements from a diverse network of environmentalists who are champions in their respective fields — including climate change, environmental justice, waste management, water conservation, clean transportation, renewable energy, ocean protection, wildlife conservation, and green workforce development. We earned the endorsements of Sierra Club veterans who have held high-level positions within Sierra Club California and Sierra Club National. These endorsements came readily with blessings from old friends — comrades from past environmental battles fought and won. We are so grateful for their support as we prepare for the battles ahead.


We have been running a self-funded, ultra-low-budget, fun, and environmentally-friendly paper-free campaign through word-of-mouth and social media. We focused on the positives, highlighted our own achievements as well as the accomplishments of the environmental leaders who stepped up to endorse us.


To our surprise, we faced opposition in the form of unfounded smears, pressures, and backlash from those who refuse to evaluate our environmental credentials based on their own merits. Despite our best efforts to stay positive and focus on real environmental issues and our environmental advocacy experience as our platform, we faced personal attacks motivated presumably by those who fear change.


While we welcome a diversity of opinions and open discussions across environmental policy issues, we were not afforded the same civility from where we most expected it — in San Francisco, home of liberal values. We were called names, and our actual environmental credentials were ignored. Even our actual identity as women of color was questioned in recent blasts of hate e-mails to rally votes for an opposing slate of candidates. It is hurtful and insulting to call us anti-environmentalists. Rebecca has spent her entire career on clean energy and climate policy implementation, Jacquelyn is working to restore San Francisco’s bay-side wetland habitat, and Leah has worked hard to bring solar to low-income communities. We have not received any campaign funds from real estate interest groups.



If you are already a Sierra Club member, please make sure you vote online HERE by 2pm on Friday December 18th. In the spirit of democracy and choice, we encourage you to be an informed Sierra Club voter by reading through the candidate statements of all candidates. Clean air, water, and a healthy environment belong to everyone, including those who may not agree with us politically.

We are making a personal plea that you vote for us — Jacquelyn Omotalade, Leah Pimentel, and Rebecca Lee for the local SF Group Executive Committee. While not part of our campaign, we have individually voted for Jennifer Ong and Sarah Brinker (woman in solar, formerly with Sierra Club National) for the SF Bay Area Chapter’s regional executive committee. #YesAllWomen

If you are having trouble locating your Sierra Club Member ID number, please call (415) 977–5653 or email membership.services@sierraclub.org to find your unique Sierra Club member ID number to vote.

If you are not a Sierra Club member, it is only $15/year to join if you want to empower environmental activism and leadership based on community engagement, inclusion, science, and civil respect. Sierra Club is the oldest brand of environmental advocacy. Win or lose, we believe we are helping to create a culture of accountability and responsible management for this incredibly historic and iconic institution. The Bay Area is home to a diverse group of people. A diversity of perspectives will strengthen the Sierra Club as a leader for our local communities. Consider becoming an member: https://vault.sierraclub.org/ways-to-give/


Chances are, there are already individuals within your own network who are Sierra Club members who may not be aware that there is a local chapter election. Please share this page with your friends whom you think might be Sierra Club members. You can also direct them to our social media page to find out more about our positive campaign: https://www.facebook.com/greensfwithcolor

