Discovers Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple Treasure | Meta Physical

Let’s see how the Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple Treasure in Kerala is surrounded by mystery and fear, with legends of two Cobras guarding a hidden chamber for those who dare to unlock it.

Let’s see how the Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple Treasure in Kerala is surrounded by mystery and fear, with legends of two Cobras guarding a hidden chamber for those who dare to unlock it.
Padmanabhaswamy Temple Treasure

Background — Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple Treasures:-

Like many buried treasure stories, Kerala’s Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple has long piqued Indian interest, although covered in mystery and terror. Two massive Cobras are said to be guarding the innermost concealed chamber. To make matters worse, folklore states that anyone who unlocks the vault will face disastrous consequences.

The mysterious Vault B has held everyone at bay for many years, but five other vaults were opened in 2011 by a Supreme Court-approved crew. The inventory uncovered a significant precious gem. Massive mounds of jewellery, idols, and coins were discovered. An audit of the iconic Padmanabhaswamy temple in India’s Thiruvananthapuram revealed that a large amount of gold from its vaults had vanished.

Approximately 769 gold jars and bars of silver have been declared missing. Some critics believe a concealed tunnel beneath the chamber allows the architects to lock the doors from within, making them hard to breach. This underground passage could have resulted in years of looting the treasure hoard without anyone noticing. RiseTV explores the history, controversies, and ongoing debate surrounding the Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple treasure.

The UnXplained: Billion Dollar Treasure Locked in Cursed Temple

Here is a small reference to the previous article:-

The last article defined the tendency and strength of “Mind Powers and Abilities.” We have to use and achieve any goal or achievement level in life. Our minds are the most powerful instrument. Our thoughts define who we are and will become, as well as our physical and emotional states. Mind power is a tool, so we are still discovering or beginning to release it. We are all vastly capable of more than most of us can imagine. Now it’s time to find out the myth and hidden treasure of Padmanabhaswamy Temple.

King Marthanda Varma and the Thripadidanam Tradition:-

King Marthanda Varma ordered the major renovation of this temple. This is a masterpiece and a symbol of the golden era as we see it today. The devout King led the royal family who took responsibility successfully for the temple and its people. The tradition of Thrippadidanam (type of donation) has been established for temple renovation and other needs.

In 1965, to continue religious offerings and donations the last Maharaja of Travancore, Sree Padmanabha Dasa and Sree Chithira Thirunal Bala Rama Varma, formed the Sree Padmanabha Swamy Temple Trust. The royal family-led trust currently takes control of the management of the temple. The Trust accepts donations from anyone regardless of their location. Only Hindus have been allowed to enter the temple and it is the result of these donations that they can fulfil the temple’s needs today.

Venomous Snakes or the Arabian Sea Waters:-

So, the temple’s treasure had been there for thousands of years. Who knew? However, It’s a legend that the rough waters of the Arabian Sea or the venomous snakes in the last locker room? The Cheras, Pandyas, Pallavas, Cholas, and other generous kingdoms donated to the Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple. For thousands of years, these traditions have continued.

The question still arises: How much wealth is there in the last vault of the temple? The understanding exceeds the wealth and mystery of the Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple, it is fair to say.

Trove of Jewels, Idols, and Coins:-

According to the Hindustan Times, an expert group in charge of inventorying Temple assets has sought the Supreme Court for permission to unlock the vault. According to the story, the Travancore royal family, a group of devotees, and the shrine’s administration all opposed the opening of the B-vault. Still, their struggle may be lost due to an impending Supreme Court verdict.

The Indian Court has not accepted the existence of a concealed interior chamber beyond Vault B. According to legend, this chamber has thick gold walls and may contain the world’s largest undiscovered treasure trove. The Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple is a Hindu temple devoted to Lord Vishnu. The shrine is managed at present by a trust led by the Travancore royal family.

Lord Padmanabhaswamy owns the temple and its assets, which have long been managed by a trust overseen by the Travancore, India Royal family. However, the Supreme Court of India eliminated the Travancore Royal Family from the temple’s management.

Vaishnavism has 108 places of worship, including this temple. The temple is well-known in early medieval Tamil literature (6th-9th centuries), with structural improvements made throughout the 16th century, including the construction of its elaborate Gopuram. Explore more secrets of this incredible place in the series on RiseTV.

A Historical Landmark: The Sree Padmanabhaswamy Temple:-

The temple is a duplicate of the famed Sri Adikesavaperumal Temple in Thiruvattar, and only Hindus are permitted to enter. Sri Padmanabha is reclining in the temple on the serpent Anantha, also known as Adi Sesha. The serpent has five hoods facing inward, representing contemplation. The Lord’s hand on the right is positioned above a Shiva lingam.

Sridevi, the Goddess of Prosperity, and Bhudevi, the Goddess of Earth, two of Vishnu’s consorts, stand behind him. Brahma appears on a lotus emanating from the Lord’s navel. The steps in front of the Vimanam and where the god sleeps are both made of a single huge stone cut out of a rock approximately 20 feet square and 2.5 feet thick.

Chamber B, one of the Temple’s six chambers, is strongly identified with Sri Padmanabhaswamy. It is not part of the Temple Treasury. The sacred chamber has an idol of Sri Padmanabha as well as numerous treasures intended to increase the power of the principal deity.

The Supreme Court of India and its seven-member panel have already opened six of the secret vaults, discovering approximately $22 billion in treasure at a depth of 20 feet underground, including golden idols, golden elephants, and idols wearing 18-foot diamond necklaces, as well as numerous bags of valuable gold coins from around the world and sacred costumes including 66-pound solid gold coconut shells embellished with rubies and emeralds.

The Riches of the Vault: Golden Thrones, Crowns, and Coins:-

According to an inventory list dated August 2014, Vault A contains 2,000 pounds of gold coins dating from circa 200 B.C. A pure Golden Throne decorated with hundreds of gems and fully precious stones was also discovered, intended to serve as a seat for the 18-foot Deity.

Additional solid gold crowns have been discovered, all adorned with diamonds and other precious stones. The Sree Padmanabhaswamy temple treasure is thought to have been gathered in the temple over thousands of years and offered to the Deity by various dynasties and kings.

Astrologers in India have long believed Chamber B to be very mysterious, sacred, and extremely hazardous to reveal. Chamber B’s gigantic steel door is painted with two massive cobras and has no bolts, latches, or other means of entrance. This is a puzzle straight out of an Indiana Jones film.

A door to such a secret vault can only be opened by a high-level ‘SADHUS’ who is familiar with chanting a ‘GARUDA MANTRA.’ The door cannot be opened by anyone, and nobody currently holds the extremely sacred and powerful ‘SIDDHAPURSHAS’ or knows how to perform the highly sacred ‘GARUDA MANTRA.’

Concluding Opinions:-

  • The Shree Padmanabhaswamy Temple in Kerala is shrouded in mystery and fear, with legends of two Cobras guarding a hidden chamber and warnings of dire consequences for those who dare to unlock it.
  • An expert group is seeking permission from the Supreme Court to unlock a vault in a Temple, despite opposition from the Travancore royal family, devotees, and the shrine’s administration, as a Supreme Court verdict may override their objections.
  • The temple is a replica of the Sri Adikesavaperumal Temple and only Hindus are allowed inside. The temple houses a reclining Sri Padmanabha on the serpent Anantha, with various deities and symbols surrounding him.
  • The steps in front of the Vimanam and where the god sleeps are made from a single large stone.
  • Vault A contains a significant amount of valuable treasures, including gold coins, a Golden Throne, and gold crowns, which were offered to the Deity by different dynasties and kings over thousands of years.



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