The Mahabharata Story | The End of the World, and The Intrigue of Remote Viewing

Journey into the depths of ancient India with “The Mahabharata Story.” Explore the epic narrative of the Mahabharata, where mystical insights and prophecies take centre stage.

Journey into the depths of ancient India with “The Mahabharata Story.” Explore the epic narrative of the Mahabharata, where mystical insights and prophecies take centre stage.
the mahabharata story


In the heart of India’s ancient scriptures lies an epic tale that transcends time, encompassing the grandeur of a bygone era and the mystical elements that define it. “The Mahabharata Story” steps you into the sacred pages of the Mahabharata, a narrative steeped in legend, history, and prophecy. 🔮

Our post was about “the other dimension”. Now it’s time to move on…

Here, we embark on a journey through the intricate tapestry of a world on the cusp of cataclysmic change, where battles of righteousness and cosmic intrigue collide. The Mahabharata, like a cosmic kaleidoscope, holds not only the tales of mortal heroes and divine beings but also the profound mysteries of remote viewing — visions of the future seen through the mind’s eye. 📖

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Join us as we unravel this mesmerizing narrative, seeking to comprehend the mystical and prophetic dimensions of the Mahabharata, where the worlds of humanity and the divine converge in a saga that is as relevant today as it was millennia ago. 🌌

India’s ancient treasure of literature, the Mahabharata, stands as an unparalleled epic that chronicles not only the events of a great war but also delves deep into the philosophical, spiritual, and moral realms of human existence. Given the vast scope of the Mahabharata story, it touches upon various facets of life, including prophecies concerning the end of the world.

As we revisit these ancient prophecies, a modern-day methodology called remote viewing piques our interest. The exploration of this practice, intertwined with the Mahabharata’s teachings, can offer a novel perspective on the epic’s end-of-the-world narratives.

India’s intriguing epic:-

The Mahabharata is one of the most important and ancient epic poems in Indian literature and culture. It is an epic narrative that tells the story of the Kurukshetra War, a great conflict between two groups of cousins, the Pandavas and the Kauravas.

The Mahabharata is not just a tale of war but is a vast and complex work that explores various aspects of human life, ethics, morality, and philosophy.

Traditionally, the sage Vyasa is credited with composing the Mahabharata. Vyasa is also regarded as one of the seven immortals in the Hindu tradition. The epic is said to have been narrated by Vyasa to the god Ganesha, who wrote it down.

The Mahabharata is one of the longest epic poems in the world, consisting of over 100,000 verses or shlokas. It is divided into 18 parvas or books, each dealing with different aspects of the story, including the prelude, the main narrative, and various teachings and philosophies.

Understanding the Mahabharata’s Perspective on the End Times:-

The Mahabharata story isn’t just about the Pandavas, the Kauravas, and the Kurukshetra war; it is also a profound exploration of Dharma (righteousness), karma (action and its consequences), and the cyclical nature of time. This cycle manifests itself as the four Yugas — Satya, Treta, Dwapara, and Kali — with each marking a distinct epoch in cosmic history.

In this epic, the end of the Kali Yuga signifies an era of decline, where virtue diminishes, and vice takes precedence. The signs are everywhere: moral decay, prevalent falsehood, rampant conflicts, and the gradual erosion of Dharma. These indications mirror a world overtaken by material desires, where spiritual wisdom becomes increasingly obscured.

Remote Viewing: An Overview:-

Before we draw connections between the Mahabharata and remote viewing, let’s delve into understanding this contemporary methodology. What is remote viewing? It’s a structured, disciplined approach to using psychic abilities, developed primarily during the Cold War by the U.S. military and intelligence agencies.

Remote viewers employ their innate psychic abilities to access and describe information about a distant or unseen target, irrespective of time and space.

While many view remote viewing with skepticism, its protocols and methodologies have yielded significant results, making it an intriguing tool for both scientific and esoteric exploration. For instance, the U.S. government’s Project Stargate, which operated from the 1970s through the 1990s produced some evidence that remote viewing was real.

The project involved the study of remote viewing for potential military and intelligence applications. Some declassified documents suggest that remote viewers provided information that was deemed useful in certain instances, such as locating missing persons and gathering intelligence.

Bridging the Ancient and the Modern:-

With the vastness of this story on one side and the precise methodologies of remote viewing on the other, there’s exciting potential to bridge these worlds. Could remote viewers, with their trained skills, tap into the events described in the Mahabharata? Even more tantalizing is the possibility of viewing the very end times that the epic hints at.

Here are some compelling prospects:-

1. Verifying the Epic’s Events: While this story is replete with supernatural occurrences and divine interventions, remote viewing could offer an independent lens to verify or interpret these events.

2. Perceiving the End Times: By setting their intent on the descriptions of the Kali Yuga’s culmination, remote viewers might provide insights that either corroborate or expand upon the epic’s prophetic narratives.

3. Drawing Parallels: Ancient sages, often depicted in the Mahabharata, possessed divine vision to perceive events across vast expanses of time and space. This ancient form of ‘viewing’ aligns with the contemporary practice of remote viewing, hinting at humanity’s timeless psychic potential.

Implications and insights:-

If remote viewers were to engage with the Mahabharata’s narrative, they might uncover:

- Detailed descriptions of the societal conditions leading to the end of Kali Yuga.

- Subtle spiritual dynamics behind visible decay and chaos.

- Predictive elements that could offer guidance on navigating these challenging times.

Moreover, this synergy of ancient narrative and modern methodology underscores a profound truth: Humanity has always been drawn to the mysteries of existence, seeking tools and teachings to understand the cosmos and our place within it.

Conclusion: An Exploration Beyond Boundaries:-

  • The Mahabharata, in its grandeur and depth, encapsulates life’s complexities, weaving tales of heroism, betrayal, love, and prophecy.
  • While the epic’s portrayal of the world’s end serves as a sombre reminder of the impermanence of existence, it also emphasizes the cyclical rebirth and renewal that follows destruction.
  • Remote viewing, with its contemporary allure, can be a bridge connecting us to these ancient tales. Remote viewing when combined with the Mahabharata story, broadens our perspective on existence, time, and destiny.
  • In this confluence of the old and the new, we find an invitation — a call to explore, understand, and ultimately transcend the limitations of our understanding, journeying into the vast expanse of the known and the unknown.



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