The Rise & Fall of Knights Templers | Knights Templar History Timeline

Explore a highly significant society from the past, The Knights Templar artifacts, history & timeline. They officially held considerable influence in medieval Europe, including Yorkshire.

Knights Templar History, Timeline & the Holy Grail

Introduction — The Knights Templer History:-

Few societies of the past have the historical relevance of the Knights Templar. As they’re formally known, the Poor Knights of the Temple of King Solomon once wielded power in medieval Europe, including Yorkshire. They were frequently the focus of conspiracy theorists’ speculation, and in the popular imagination, they were the dark hidden financiers who wielded influence over Europe’s kings and noblemen.

Others saw them as a noble, military or religious order in the appropriate place at the appropriate time to capitalize on the necessity to ensure the secure passage of money across the developing continent.

According to historical mythology, they were dissolved on Friday, October 13, 1307, for revenge or political malice; the exact cause is unknown. But what took place to their once-powerful order, which, at its peak, wielded enormous influence in every major royal family and metropolis in Europe, including several notable sites in Jerusalem?

While both secular and religious orders have endured in the past, how is it possible that the order that once inspired awe in many has vanished?

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Discover the captivating world of false flag operations and unravel the truth behind these covert events. Dive into the intriguing history of Knights Templar with The Edge of Wonder TV’s exclusive series. This gripping show explore the dark secrets of Knights Templars, shedding light on operations designed to shift blame onto unsuspecting nations.

The Knights Templar were legendary figures, celebrated in tales and respected throughout history. They were portrayed as guardians of the kingdom, honorable knights clad in white robes. However, their story took a dark turn with their sudden downfall, sparking a web of mysteries. What led to their persecution? What were the true beliefs of the Templars? Who were their true allegiances to? What hidden rituals did they practice? And what mystical practices did they conceal in the shadows?

Who Were The Knights Templar & Who Betrayed Them?

If you’ve seen the Knights Templar in films like The Da Vinci Code or National Treasure, then you’re familiar with their fiction. But you don’t familiar with their reality. Legends about the Knights have grown over the ages since the medieval period in which they lived.

Like so many current conspiracy theories, these are essentially based on the assumption that they were (or are!) a secret. They are a multinational organization with arcane knowledge and money beyond comprehension.

In National Treasure, the Knights Templar appears as direct forerunners of another hidden order. The Freemasons have amassed precious treasures and relics over time. Furthermore, they successfully transported them to North America before the United States was founded!

The Knights Templar tried to keep it dramatic in The Da Vinci Code. We know it’s fictional because of the disclosure that Jesus of Nazareth had spawned a family with Mary Magdalene. But the Knights believed and adored him as a saint.

The Temple Mount and the Roots of the First Crusade:-

The Temple Mount was — and continues to be — Jerusalem’s holiest spot, where the Bible’s Old Testament tells us that King Solomon built a now-demolished temple to memorialize where David, Solomon’s father, was visited by a heavenly presence. It was revered as sacred by Muslims, Jews, and Christians, and it became a major pilgrimage place, particularly among Roman Catholics, in the Middle Ages.

In the eighth century CE, Muslims built the al-Aqsa Mosque on this site, where no evidence of the old Temple had ever been discovered. Muslims made no secret of their hostility toward the Catholics, who took the Temple Mount as their own. The Roman Catholic Church was sparked by outrage when people following in Jesus’ footsteps were assaulted by marauding Muslim highwaymen.

There was a growing sense in the West that a thing should be done in the 11th century. But what? Although it had a massive influence, the Church lacked a military arm. In 1095, Pope Urban II made a call to Roman Catholics. As well as secular knights from European nations. It laid a religious siege on Jerusalem to protect it from safe passage again. This was the beginning of the First Crusade.

The Origins of the Knights Templar, the Church’s Military:-

In 1139, Pope Innocent II published a papal bull, or public edict, declaring the Knights Templar a preferred charitable company. They were excused from taxation and charged with not just protecting innocent people but also actively protecting Jerusalem and other territories from Muslim invaders.

Thus, the Catholic Church’s military section was founded. The Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and the Temple of Solomon were formally known as the Knights Templers for around 50 years. They guarded Jerusalem and its holy visitors from invasion.

However, Muslims retook the Holy Land under the fresh rule of Saladin in 1187. The military commanders from Tikrit in modern-day Iraq were the Shahs of Egypt and Syria. This resulted in the massacre of many Knights Templar and the swift flight of those who remained in Jerusalem and the al-Aqsa Mosque.

Rise TV offers a better platform for world history through portraits that make fascinating stories. Our Knights Templar Series also reflects the true story of this magnificent order which separates fact from fiction. The Knights Templar’s story doesn’t end with their military campaigns. Our Knights Templar Series on Rise TV explores the complex factors that led to their downfall. Which included the growing suspicion and greed of powerful kings.

The Holy Land became a source of pride and worldwide cooperation between Roman Catholic nations to get it back. In 1189, the rulers of Britain, France, and Rome called for a new crusade. The Reformed Knights, with moral and financial backing from both the kings and the Church.

They had led the way in combat, serving as the attacking army’s courageous front guard. They weren’t successful but with time and some smart negotiating with Saladin’s army in 1291. Jerusalem and other key strategic regions, notably, the crucial port of Acre, were back in Muslim hands. Catholic believers were allowed safe access to Muslim territory.

If you’ve seen the Knights Templar in films like The Da Vinci Code or National Treasure, you’re familiar with their fiction.
Knights Templar series

The End of the Knights Templar:-

The Knights ultimately gave up their preferred site in the al-Aqsa Mosque and departed for Europe in 1303. The majority of them were settled in France. That’s why things got complicated for the Knights. They had increased their power, money, and numbers over time and became a rising power of that era.

No doubt they had all undertaken a vow of poverty or possibly died due to it. However, they were empowered by the wealth accumulated by thousands of people on their journey from Europe to the Middle East.

The Knights set up a crude “bank,” where people “deposited” all of their wealth before leaving. They were able to collect that money in currency at their arrival location by using a “bank check,” or letter of credit. The Knights grabbed a modest part to cover their expenses. Over time, their wealth rose to the point that they could act as a “lending bank.” They finance initiatives conducted by nobles and even kings.

The King of France, Philip IV, was at war with Britain and needed funds beyond his territory. The Knights loaned the king the funds he demanded to wage the nine-year Anglo-French War, which began in 1294. However, he started when it came time to pay back his loans.

Philip believed the Templars had grown too large for their chain-mail britches and despised their collected wealth. He considered them hijackers of power, which he considered belonged to kings.

The Knights refused Philip’s final request to continue supporting the war. Then the French ruler planned a plot — a conspiracy — to restrain the Knights from their authority and pass their wealth to him. But he required allies to complete the job.

A Short Historic Reference to Knights Templar’s Artifacts:-

Up to now, no significant items from the Knights Templar have been found. However, Hamilton and Carl claim they have finally found a treasure trove of Knights Templar’s artifacts that shed light on the their history and why they were targeted and destroyed in 1307. With key Templar relics in their possession, they travel across Europe and the Middle East to uncover the origins of their discovery. Explore more about these incredible items below.

Where is the Holy Grail and Why did king arthur want the Holy Grail:-

“How much is the holy grail worth…?” - The search for the holy grail. It symbolized union with God, and gained significance due to Jesus’s crucifixion and the eucharist in Christian beliefs. The grail’s presence in literature related to King Arthur can be traced back to Celtic mythology. French poet “Chrétien de Troyes” introduced the grail as a divine object in his romance “Perceval” in the early 12th century.

Robert de Boron further emphasized its Christian importance in his poem “Joseph d’Arimathie” around 1200. While Perceval was the initial knight to pursue the grail, Sir Galahad, introduced in the “Queste del Saint Graal” in the mid-13th century. He became the most famous knight to complete the quest.

The prover “Where is The holy grail” is often considered a myth. But some individuals believe it holds more significance than just being a part of medieval stories. In certain Arthurian tales, it is said that Joseph of Arimathea brought the grail to Glastonbury in England. Legend suggests that the water runs red where the grail was buried. It symbolized Christ’s blood, although scientists attribute this to red iron oxide in the soil. Others theorize that the Knights Templar took the holy grail from the Temple Mount during the Crusades and kept it hidden.

The Knights Templer’s Helmet:-

This helmet, believed to have been crafted during the 13th Century, showcases the distinctive design of the ‘Great Helms’ that were highly favored by medieval knights. There is speculation that Heinrich Himmler, at one point, may have possessed this very helmet, which bears a striking resemblance to the renowned ‘Dargen Helmet’ exhibited at the Altes Zeughaus museum in Berlin.

The Chalice of Obsidian:-

Crafted from exceptionally scarce obsidian, a type of volcanic glass, this remarkable chalice showcases its uniqueness. Standing tall at a height of 21cm, it boasts a lip diameter of 14.5cm and measures 16.5cm across its most rounded section. With a potential origin in Byzantine craftsmanship, it is believed to have been created during the 12th Century.

Yorkshire, the heartland (stronghold of Templars):-

Yorkshire, aside from the city of London, was the stronghold of Templar dominance in England, providing both men and money to the cause due to its strong agricultural and textile economies.

The Templars’ possessions in the area were so substantial that a ‘chief instructor’ was chosen for Yorkshire (Master of Templers) from the beginning. The Templars’ Yorkshire properties included the preceptories of Copmanthorpe (including York’s Castle Mills), Faxfleet, Ribston, Penhill, Foulbridge, Temple Cowton, Temple Hirst, Temple Newsam, Westerdale, and Whitley, as well as the manors of Alverthorpe and Etton.

The Templars were once exempt from taxes in Yorkshire, and a lot of their laborers and tenants benefited from this privilege as well. Dozens of buildings and taverns in Yorkshire still have the Templar cross, indicating to many that the structure was a Templar holding; nevertheless, many dishonest landowners also exhibited the sign to avoid tax.

However, just as the Order was reaching its pinnacle of dominance in Yorkshire and Europe, it was quickly disbanded, leaving numerous Templar buildings in ruins.

The Origins: Knights Templar history & timeline:-

The Knights Templar history timeline and date their origins back to just after the First Crusade.

Around 1119, Hugues de Payens, a French lord from the Champagne region, gathered 8 of his knight relations to protect travelers on their way to the Holy Land.

They sought King Baldwin II of Jerusalem, who promoted them to establish headquarters on the southern edge of the Temple Mount. Because the Temple Mount was the purported site of the biblical King Solomon’s Temple, they adopted the name “The Poor Knights of the Temple of King Solomon,” which was later simplified to “Knights Templar.”

Responding to critics:-

In response to these critics, the influential Bernard of Clairvaux wrote a multi-page book titled De Laude Novae Militia, in which he promoted their purpose and stood by the concept of an armed religious order by inviting to the long-held Christian theory of a ‘just war’, which legitimized “taking up the sword” to protect the innocent and the Church from violent attack.

Donations to the Order were substantial. After he died in 1130, the King of Aragon in the Iberian Peninsula left enormous tracts of property to the Order, and new members were also compelled to take vows of poverty and surrender all of their possessions to the Monastic Brotherhood.

Elite Combat Force:-

The Templars were rapidly becoming the elite combat force of their time, well-trained, well-equipped, and highly driven; one of their religious order’s precepts was that they were not permitted to retreat in battle. They battled King Louis VII of France and King Richard I of Britain and played an important role in conquering Saladin in Jerusalem. However, not all Knights Templar were warriors.

By 1150, the Order’s primary aim of defending pilgrims had evolved into one of protecting their possessions through an innovative method of granting letters of credit, which was an early predecessor to modern banking.

Travelers would visit a Knights’ house in their native country, leaving their deeds and treasures. The Templars would then issue them with a letter outlining their assets. While journeying, the pilgrims might “withdraw” monies from their account by presenting the letter to other Templars they encounter. This made the pilgrims secure because they weren’t bringing valuables, while also increasing the Templars’ influence.

The Dramatic & Mysterious Fall of The Knights Templar:-

The Knights Templar continues to attract people today because of its fascinating and enigmatic history, which includes powerful characters, hidden societies, and allegations of heresy and conspiracy.

Their connection to myths and tales like the Holy Grail and hidden wealth, as well as their impact on Western culture and society, piqued curiosity about their story. Furthermore, the fall of the Knights Templar has been linked to a variety of conspiracy theories and secret societies, leading many to assume that their influence is still felt today. Why did they disappear, and under what conditions?

History of the Fall of the Knights Templar:-

The Knights Templar was a wealthy and powerful military organization that was heavily involved in the Wars of the 12th and 13th decades. The organization, formally referred to as the Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Jesus and the Temple of Solomon, was created in Israel in 1119 by nine French knights to defend Christian travellers visiting the Holy Land.

The Knights Templar swiftly received the support of the Catholic Church, and their membership expanded rapidly, recruiting knights, nobles, and even princes from all over Europe. The order was famed for its valour in warfare, military discipline, and dedication to preserving Christian interests in the Holy Land.

The expanding power and growing suspicions:-

The order’s wealth and power expanded, which resulted in large donations and legacies from wealthy contributors. The Knights Templar grew to be one of Europe’s wealthiest and most powerful organizations, with large assets in several nations and a wide network of contacts and allies. However, the Knights Templar’s authority and wealth quickly drew the notice of their rivals, particularly King Philip IV of France.

Philip, who was severely indebted to the order, saw a chance to steal their assets and eliminate a formidable opponent. He began a campaign against the Knights Templar, accusing them of heresy, blasphemy, and other offences.

Dramatic Fall of the Knights Templar:-

In 1307, Philip commanded the arrest of all Knights Templar in France, accusing them of a variety of offences, including worshipping a strange idol known as Baphomet, participating in homosexual practices, and denying Christ’s divinity.

The charges were mostly false, but the Knights Templar were tortured and compelled to confess to their crimes.

The Knights Templar’s trials and persecution lasted several years, and many of the order’s members were executed or imprisoned for life.

The order’s riches were confiscated by the king and other nobles after the Catholic Church officially abolished it in 1312.

What happened to the Knights Templar…?

The fate of the surviving Knights Templar is shrouded in mystery, with several stories and traditions surrounding their deaths. Some believe the group went underground, where it existed in secret and influenced history. Others think the Knights Templar possessed secret information and relics, including the Holy Grail, which are still hidden today.

Despite their enigmatic and terrible end, the Knights Templar’s influence lives on today, influencing innumerable works of literature, art, and film. The Knights Templar’s military strength, wealth, and influence continue to amaze and enchant people all over the world, cementing their status as one of history’s most lasting and mysterious entities.

Concluding thoughts:-

  • For centuries, the Knight Templars held great power throughout Europe in history.
  • But what happened to them? Join the Knights Templar Series on Rise TV Show to learn about the whole story and history of the rise and fall of the Knights Templar.
  • Why were they targeted for destruction? What did the Templars believe? Who did they worship? What occult rituals were part of their innermost secrets? And what kind of sorcery did they keep in the shadows?



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