The most asked stupid question by smart people: What should I do?

4 min readMar 23, 2019

The lure of adventure of silicon valley, its glitzy unicorn economics, and the age-old California dream attracts the adventure seekers and builders from across the world. Its like a mating call to those who have an yearning for more and can hustle and operate at the highest level of mental endurance and physical stamina.

I am fortunate that the “call to the west” found me 4 years ago, in the form of love. Today, as I am surrounded by wonderfully smart, driven human beings who are clearly amongst the very best our species have to offer. The one question keeps coming up again and again is “What should I do?” or to be more precise “What should I do next?”. I am surprised how many smart people spend hours debating this question, trust me, I spent 1 month once deciding between a VC gig and a Hedge fund gig for the summer. I spent 1 month deciding between for a gig I was going to do for just 2 months.

When people ask this question is, they are trying to make a choice between a set of options. Either these options are tangible and exist in terms of offer (new jobs, VC money for your ideas, a job outside of California) or in their head (I could go join Google, I could join a start-up, start a fund, start a company, go back home etc).

The fundamental problem of this is given a choice set, our trained behavior to make a choice. The participant, no matter how smart, is quickly evaluating options and trying to make a choice. They are thinking what to say YES to…




Currently building an IoT SaaS company | ex-product @Samsara I Previously founded @letsintern, acquired by @aspiringmindsAM | Runner I Stanford Alum