A Resort with a spa like The Shaantam Resort is a blissful moment for the visitors.

Hotels & Resorts
2 min readJul 12, 2019


Are you looking online for 10 Tips to choose best spa resort in Rishikesh to find the Best spa resort in Rishikesh but despite a lot of effort you still haven’t been able to find one that offers the aforementioned along with the opportunity to enjoy the Best poolside dining in Rishikesh?

Don’t fret because we have the solution for you: Shaantam Resort.

The resort is the preferred choice for all things pertaining to a stay in Rishikesh, and appended are the reasons why you should pick it for your stay at the location:

1) A Legally Registered Resort

The resort is a legally binding resort because it is registered with the law. With it being a legally binding restaurant you can rest assured that the service, charges along with host of other options will be all according to the norms. The resort is always ethical in its approach and provides the best experience to the visitors.

2) Customer Centric Approach

The staff is always focused on providing you the best ever experience through their service. Whether you require assistance at 5 in the morning or 12 at night, the resort staff is always at your service and is professional as well as courteous.

3) Cost Effective

The resort offers services at the best prices and this is one of the biggest differentiator between Shaantam and other resorts in the location. The price is the make or break factor at the end of the day and with it’s cost effective prices Shaantam ensures that you have a peace of mind.

4) Culinary Experience

No matter where you go in India, there is always something amazing to try and the chefs at Shaantam cook the most lip smacking food that feeds your appetite and is also value for money. From local cuisines to generic ones the chefs are skilled to provide you the food that you would want to eat at any time of the day.

5) The Overall Experience

Its the experience at the end of the day that matters and Shaantam Resort provides you an exemplary experience every step of the way. From your time in to the resort to the time you checkout, the resort ensures you leave with the beautiful memories of the journey and the hotel.

So the next time, just pick your bags because now you know the best place to stay at in Rishikesh.



Hotels & Resorts

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