This product can’t be improved anymore..

Rishabh Arora
2 min readJan 31, 2023


..Or Atleast that’s what we thought. Someone just refined one of the most basic feature of our phone : The brightness bar!

Photo by Randy Laybourne on Unsplash

😓 I remember getting annoyed every time I adjusted my phone’s brightness because it’d take me multiple tries to tweak it to perfection. Sometimes it was too bright, sometimes a little low, and for each try, I had to stop adjusting and swipe up to see the results.

For those who can’t relate to this, do you remember the time before Netflix introduced ‘skip intro’? Remember how you tried to find the exact start of the show, sometimes you’d get a little ahead and sometimes fall short. That’s how I felt.

💡 I’m not sure exactly when it got updated, but I recently realized that I’m not facing this issue anymore. Now when you adjust the brightness the notification panel gets hidden and the screen that you were working on is shown so that you can see the effects simultaneously.

Old version -> New version

🤍This is so beautiful!

✨Not just because the solution is so elegant, but also because it made me realize that even such basic straightforward things can have a scope of improvement.

