System Design: API Rate Limiter Design

Rishabh Jain
5 min readJun 30, 2020


Have you seen when we execute external system’s api multiple times (with or without subscription), sometimes we get quota exhausted for today/hour?

Initial requests respond properly. This is due to a limited Quota available for users in some time defined range. This process is called API Rate limitation or API Throttling.

API are Rate Limited? What???

API Rate Limitation means API usage quota is defined per user per interval(hour, minute, seconds, day, year).


It’s a limitation on frequency of usage of API based on some constraints.

Rate limitations are widely used by large scale applications. For E.g In twitter, below are some api rate limitations:

Why Rate Limitation is Required?

  1. To prevent overuse of services by defining maximum quota. This can also help in reducing malicious attacks.
  2. To prevent starving of servers as a single user can hit a lot of requests and that can starve the server computation resources. This can also affect other users’ response times.

How to Implement/Design Rate Limiter?

We will discuss few strategies here:

Token Bucket:

In this for each user, a token will be filled in some storage(preferred some in memory database) for particular user. Token contains a timestamp with quota limits. At every request this limit is checked whether the given user has a quota left or not.

User_id1 : 06: 01: 00 -10(Considering Rate limit as 10 request per min)

Suppose the user requests the api at 06: 01: 08 then in db , entry will be updated to 06: 01: 00 -9. So within this minute we can hit the api 10 times. Once this limit goes to 0 and users request the api, then we can error like too many requests or some quota exhausted.

Note: At every minute token is updated/refilled in storage.

Token Bucket is also considered as memory efficient as a single entry needs to be maintained per user in storage. Token Bucket fails with distributed systems.

Leaky Bucket:

Here a Queue is maintained that will hold the requests requested. Queue as usual will serve in FIFO. We can also compare this approach with pub sub. Requests will be appended(published) at the end and requests are getting processed(subscribed) from the start.

Here Queue size will be fixed and requests that come after the queue is full, will be discarded/leaked. Leaky Bucket strategy will process the request at some average/constant rate.

When compared to Token Bucket, Leaky Bucket is able to work efficiently with Distributed System also.

If some requests take longer than expected or got stuck. Then our server will face the starving for new requests.

Fix Window Counter:

In this we will keep the window for each user based on the interval. That time will increment the count with each request. Once the threshold is reached, it will reject the requests.

Suppose we allow the 100 request per hour for user:

So the window we will create like:

User 1: 07: 00: 00–0

Then till 07:59:59 we will be able to serve 100 requests.

User 1: 07: 59: 00–100

Problem with this approach is that sometimes too much load comes at the edges of the time window. With that service will be overused for that particular slot and we can say consistency of load distributed over the entire window is disrupted.

Sliding Logs:

This algorithm is synced with real time verification of requests within interval. In this we keep on appending requests with timestamps in some storage. Once we got new request, we will check how many requests we had served in a given interval based on Rate Limiter. If requests exceed the threshold we will reject otherwise we will serve the request.

User 1: [ Timestamp1, Timestamp2, ……, Timestampn]

API Rate Limitation Rule : 20 requests per minute

A new request came, the first system will check how many requests are there in the last 1 minute. If that count breaches the threshold then will reject it.

This algorithm works precisely and also able to overcome the boundary conditions of a fixed window. As it will check the request count based on the current timestamp only instead of the fixed window.


  1. Memory Inefficient : Lot of space is required to keep the timestamp for each request.
  2. Computation Time is wasted on calculation of requests served in a given interval(Need to calculate based on current timestamp).

Sliding Window Counter:

This is an optimised version of Sliding Logs where we will reduce the space requirements. Here while storing the logs for timestamp, if we get many requests at a particular timestamp.Then we will increase the update the same entry or we can store like Timestamp_count(request count)

Challenges and Potential solutions of Rate Limiter with Distributed systems:

Till Now we have discussed a few ways of implementing Rate Limiter. But these solutions will fail when we work with distributed systems. With distributed systems at the same time requests can come to any server. Few Challenges and solutions:

  1. Inconsistency
  2. Race Condition


Requests are made from different regions with underlying Servers. Each Server will have a Rate Limited Module. Suppose at the same moment the request hit the Rate Limiter Module, in response it will check the limit in some storage. Now suppose from the available quota only 1 is left.

But each server got information that limited is still available. So in this case both requests are executed and our system fails to handle it.

Potential solution: Design system with sticky sessions approach. In this the same user will always serve the particular server always. So Inconsistency will be eliminated as single call to storage needs to be done at a time.

Problem with above solution: Users can expect latency as it should be handled by only a single server.

Race Condition:

As the same data can be available for multiple servers for a given user. Now from server one a read + update operation is requested. To get it done , first that data is locked(for reading also) till operation is completed. Now when the second server will try to read the data , it has to wait till the lock is released by the first server. So this will create a Race Condition.

Here distributed system Rate Limitation works but there is a lot of latency experience by users as servers need to wait for locks release.

How can we make API Rate Limiter Performance Optimised?

  1. We can give relaxation to the system to allow some failure percentage. By this we can avoid locks and also avoid sticky sessions.
  2. By using server local storage or session that will regularly query the storage(database) and sync the contents locally. This avoids making database calls for each request.

Reference: Youtube Tech Dummies Channel System Design Series

Note: In this next blog we will design the tinyurl system.

In case of any query and suggestions please connect with me or drop a mail



Rishabh Jain

Full Stack Developer — React, Node, Mongo DB, Postgres, RabbitMQ, AWS, Native Performance Engineering, Lambda, Javascript, Kubernetes, Docker.