How to 5x the Perceived Value of Your Product in Less than 30 Minutes

Rishabh Ravindran
3 min readJul 12, 2023


If you have a core service or product you sell, never reduce your price to increase your sales.

Instead, increase the perceived value of your Product so that the customer would say:

This Product is expensive, but it’s worth it.

Here is a framework to at least 5x the perceived value of your Product.

Step 1

Write down all the excuses, reasons, or obstacles your customer would face before buying your Product.

For example, if you have a fitness business, your customers would say:

  • I won’t have the time to do exercise because I’m busy.
  • I don’t have the time to make healthy meals.

Search the pain points and write down as many of these as possible.

The more you get, the chances are you’ll start questioning the quality of your service.

But don’t worry; we will convert all these into revenue opportunities.

Step 2

Convert all these questions into a solution.

Convert all the questions into a solution.

For example;

  • Problem: I won’t have the time to do the workout because I’m busy
  • Solution: 15-Minute HIIT Workout for Working Moms (NO EQUIPMENT!)
  • Problem: I don’t have the time to make healthy meals every day
  • Solution: 25 Healthy Breakfasts You Can Make in 5 Minutes

You get the idea.

Step 3

Collaborate with other businesses.

Suppose you can collaborate with other businesses used by your target audience. In that case, it can skyrocket the perceived value of your product.

For example, if a Yoga class will cost $100 a month, then collaborate with a brand and offer a free 1-month class for your customers.

This way, you have increased your perceived product value by $100 without additional cost.

Now imagine what you can achieve if you can collaborate with multiple brands.

Bonus Point: If you can negotiate an affiliate commission for every customer from your business, you will make an extra profit without additional effort!

Step 4

Sell all these as Bonuses.

Pitch your service, and if the customer says “yes,” then after they sign up, provide all these as a bonus so they will be happy that they signed up with you.

If they say no, provide some of them as bonuses, and say, if you buy these services, you will get access to these bonuses worth (some amount, e.g., $300) for free.

Step 5

Add Some Scarcity to It:

Some of your audience needs a push to buy your product.

To push them over to your side, introduce scarcity.

Tell them, “If they sign up today,” you will get these bonuses for free.

Implement FOMO.

Combine all these five steps; you will have at least 5x the perceived value of your Product.

PS: You will be able to create a framework to 5x your perceived value within 30 minutes, but to make it a reality, it will take time.



Rishabh Ravindran

Exploring digital writing, digital businesses, and branding and sharing what I learn along the way.