Top 10 Times You Probably Thought About the 2006 Animated Film “Doogal”

Rishabh Vashishtha
5 min readSep 1, 2023


We all think about the 2006 animated film Doogal at some point in our lives — it’s only human nature. While it’s a topic that should remain top-of-mind in our daily lives at all times, this list highlights some times you probably found yourself thinking about Doogal.

1. The time when you went to see Doogal alone in theaters in 2006 and everyone wondered why

Of course, you remember it all too well. You were a graduate student at New York University pursuing an M.S. in Quantitative Economics. So it surprised everyone that you unironically went to see Doogal in theaters by yourself. Little did you know your life was about to change.

2. The time when you shared your enthusiasm for Doogal with your friends after you watched it and they just didn’t get it

Friends — like it or not, we all need some good ones in our life. That’s exactly why you must remember the moment that you decided to cut off your entire friend circle because they didn’t get the intricacies of Doogal. Can you imagine?

3. The time when you went to see Doogal alone in theaters in 2006 for a second time and everyone wondered why

Imagine a world where you didn’t see Doogal in theaters alone at least twice. What a cruel and unusual place that world would be. Thankfully, you saw Doogal more than fifteen times in theaters, but we’ll cap it at two for this list. No point rehashing the basics.

4. The time when Doogal visited your dreams and it was a little bit scary how powerful he was

You definitely must remember October 12, 2006 as one of the most terrifying yet defining nights of your life. It was when Doogal visited you in your dreams on that rainy and dark night in New York City. He spoke in tongues, he spoke of great prophecies, and he spoke of the immense role you were to play in his legacy.

5. The time when your parents took you to a psychiatrist to talk about your Doogal “obsession”

Parents — sometimes they just don’t get ya! Your Mom Jeannine was convinced that a Doogal obsession for a 25-year-old seemed “concerning”, so she forced you to see a psychiatrist. We know you probably wanted to be watching Doogal instead of talking to an Undoogalite about something that should be common sense, but you did spend 70 minutes with Dr. Roberts. Good for you!

6. The time when you missed your Father’s funeral because you were in line at Target buying the Doogal DVD

People just don’t get priorities because you remember all too well how much backlash you got from your Mom, friends, family, and even the Target employees. It really made you wonder how people really don’t think about the important things in life.

7. The time when you realized Zeebad from “Doogal” is kind of your new father figure

You remember when you realized that Zeebad could easily throw around a football with you when your Dad Jerry no longer could. Thankfully, it only took 45 more consecutive viewings of Doogal for you to finally start seeing Zeebad and hearing him say how proud he is of you.

8. The time when you got plastic surgery in order to exactly resemble Doogal

Daily deep conversations about childhood traumas with Zeebad and a few life-alteringly horrifying dreams about Doogal were not enough to show your respect. You had already lost all your connections — families, friends, and loved ones had already disconnected from you. It was time to bring some light and hope in your depraved world and become Doogal.

9. The time when you realized that your plastic surgery had upset everyone, including dream Doogal and your new Dad Zeebad, and that you were a foolish mortal who could never have the wisdom to replace the real Doogal

What were you thinking? Damn, these were some dark times in your life.

10. The time when you finally died and met a guy named Jesus Christ and he said Doogal is the worst movie he has ever seen

It’s crazy the places you will meet Undoogalites and this time not even the Kingdom of God was spared! It’s very clear that Jesus and the Lord’s Angels don’t understand the importance of Doogal and Zeebad, and the fact that they are the only Way of Redemption. They’ll get it someday!

