Compute in Flutter

6 min readJul 10, 2024


In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, performance is paramount for mobile applications. Users expect smooth and responsive experiences, and any lag or delay can lead to frustration and a negative perception of the app. As a result, developers need to prioritize performance optimization to meet these high expectations.

One powerful tool in the Flutter framework for enhancing app performance is the compute function. The compute function plays a crucial role in improving Flutter app performance by offloading heavy computations to a separate isolate. This allows the main isolate, which handles the user interface, to remain responsive and free from jank.

By understanding and effectively utilizing the compute function, Flutter developers can ensure that their applications deliver the seamless and high-performing experiences that users demand. In this article, we will delve into the details of the compute function, exploring how it works, when to use it, and best practices for implementation.

What is Compute in Flutter?

Definition of the compute Function

The compute function in Flutter is a powerful utility that allows developers to run intensive tasks in a separate isolate. In Dart, an isolate is a separate thread of execution that has its own memory and does not share any state with other isolates. This isolation enables the compute function to perform heavy computations without interfering with the main isolate, which is responsible for rendering the user interface (UI).

Importance of Offloading Tasks to Separate Isolates

Offloading tasks to separate isolates is crucial in mobile app development because it helps maintain a smooth and responsive UI. When the main isolate is burdened with heavy computations, it can lead to noticeable delays, stutters, and a phenomenon known as “UI jank.” UI jank occurs when the app’s frame rate drops, causing animations and interactions to become sluggish.

By using the compute function to delegate resource-intensive tasks to a different isolate, developers can prevent the main isolate from becoming overloaded. This ensures that the UI remains fluid and responsive, providing a better user experience.

Comparison with the Main Isolate and How Compute Helps in Avoiding UI Jank

The main isolate in a Flutter app handles all UI updates and user interactions. When the main isolate is tasked with processing data or performing complex calculations, it can become unresponsive, leading to UI jank. This is because the main isolate cannot process UI updates and user inputs simultaneously with the heavy computation.

The compute function addresses this issue by creating a new isolate to handle the heavy computation. Since this new isolate operates independently of the main isolate, it can perform the task without affecting the UI's responsiveness. Once the computation is complete, the result is sent back to the main isolate, which can then update the UI accordingly.

When to Use Compute

Scenarios Where Compute is Beneficial

The compute function is particularly useful in scenarios involving heavy computations, data parsing, and long-running tasks. These scenarios can significantly impact the performance and responsiveness of the main isolate if not handled appropriately.

  • Heavy Computations: Tasks that require intensive mathematical operations or complex algorithms can slow down the main isolate. Examples include image processing, encryption, and scientific calculations.
  • Data Parsing: Converting large datasets from one format to another, such as parsing JSON data from a web API, can be computationally expensive and cause UI jank if done on the main isolate.
  • Long-Running Tasks: Operations that take a considerable amount of time to complete, such as downloading and processing large files, can benefit from being run on a separate isolate to keep the UI responsive.

Examples of Tasks Suitable for Compute

Here are some examples of tasks that are well-suited for the compute function, along with code snippets to demonstrate their implementation:

  1. Heavy Computation Example
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

void main() {

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
home: HeavyComputationExample(),

class HeavyComputationExample extends StatefulWidget {
_HeavyComputationExampleState createState() => _HeavyComputationExampleState();

class _HeavyComputationExampleState extends State<HeavyComputationExample> {
String _result = '';

void _performHeavyComputation() async {
final result = await compute<int, String>(heavyComputation, 1000000);
setState(() {
_result = result;

static String heavyComputation(int iterations) {
double sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) {
sum += i * i;
return 'Result: $sum';

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(title: Text('Heavy Computation Example')),
body: Center(
child: Column(
children: [
onPressed: _performHeavyComputation,
child: Text('Run Heavy Computation'),
SizedBox(height: 20),

2. Data Parsing Example

import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

void main() {

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
home: DataParsingExample(),

class DataParsingExample extends StatefulWidget {
_DataParsingExampleState createState() => _DataParsingExampleState();

class _DataParsingExampleState extends State<DataParsingExample> {
String _result = '';

void _parseLargeJson() async {
final jsonString = await DefaultAssetBundle.of(context).loadString('assets/large_data.json');
final result = await compute<String, List<dynamic>>(parseJson, jsonString);
setState(() {
_result = 'Parsed ${result.length} items';

static List<dynamic> parseJson(String jsonString) {
return jsonDecode(jsonString);

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(title: Text('Data Parsing Example')),
body: Center(
child: Column(
children: [
onPressed: _parseLargeJson,
child: Text('Parse Large JSON'),
SizedBox(height: 20),

3. Long-Running Task Example

import 'dart:io';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

void main() {

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return MaterialApp(
home: LongRunningTaskExample(),

class LongRunningTaskExample extends StatefulWidget {
_LongRunningTaskExampleState createState() => _LongRunningTaskExampleState();

class _LongRunningTaskExampleState extends State<LongRunningTaskExample> {
String _result = '';

void _processLargeFile() async {
final filePath = 'path/to/large/file.txt';
final result = await compute<String, int>(processFile, filePath);
setState(() {
_result = 'Processed $result lines';

static int processFile(String filePath) {
final file = File(filePath);
final lines = file.readAsLinesSync();
return lines.length;

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(title: Text('Long-Running Task Example')),
body: Center(
child: Column(
children: [
onPressed: _processLargeFile,
child: Text('Process Large File'),
SizedBox(height: 20),

These examples demonstrate how the compute function can be used to handle heavy computations, data parsing, and long-running tasks, ensuring that the main isolate remains responsive and the user interface is smooth.

How Compute Works

Explanation of the Isolate Model in Dart

In Dart, isolates are independent workers that run in separate memory spaces. Unlike traditional threads, isolates do not share memory, which eliminates the need for locks and reduces the risk of race conditions. Each isolate has its own event loop, memory, and data, making it a self-contained unit of execution. Communication between isolates happens through message passing, ensuring that data integrity is maintained.

How the compute Function Uses Isolates

The compute function in Flutter leverages the isolate model to run expensive tasks in a separate isolate. When you call compute, Flutter creates a new isolate and executes the provided function in that isolate. This offloads the heavy computation from the main isolate, allowing it to remain responsive and focused on handling the user interface.

Here’s a step-by-step breakdown of how the compute function works:

  1. Creating an Isolate: When compute is called, it spawns a new isolate.
  2. Executing the Task: The task (function) provided to compute is executed in this new isolate.
  3. Passing Data: The input data for the task is sent to the new isolate via message passing.
  4. Returning Results: Once the task is complete, the result is sent back to the main isolate, which can then update the UI or perform other actions based on the result.

The Mechanism of Data Passing Between the Main Isolate and the Compute Isolate

Data passing between the main isolate and the compute isolate is done through message passing. Here’s how it works:

  1. Sending Data to the Compute Isolate: When you call compute, you pass the function to be executed and its arguments. These arguments are serialized and sent to the new isolate.
  2. Executing the Function: The new isolate deserializes the arguments and executes the function with these arguments. This isolate performs the heavy computation independently of the main isolate.
  3. Receiving the Result: Once the function completes its execution, the result is serialized and sent back to the main isolate.
  4. Handling the Result in the Main Isolate: The main isolate receives the result, deserializes it, and you can then use this result to update the UI or perform other necessary actions.

If you have any further questions or need additional assistance, feel free to reach out. Happy coding!

