Boosting Data Processing at Mitz with Polars: A Faster Alternative to Pandas

Rishad M
4 min readMay 30, 2023

In the world of data manipulation and analysis, pandas has long been hailed as the go-to library for Python enthusiasts. Its versatility and rich functionality have made it a staple in data science workflows. However, with the emergence of polars, a new player in the game, data scientists and analysts have gained access to a faster and more efficient tool for handling large-scale datasets. In this blog post, we will explore how polars surpass pandas in terms of speed and performance, revolutionizing the way we work with data.

The Need for Speed:

Handling big data efficiently is a common challenge for data professionals. Pandas, while widely used and versatile, can sometimes be sluggish when processing large datasets. Polars, on the other hand, is specifically designed for high-performance data processing, utilizing modern technologies to achieve exceptional speed improvements.

In this blog, we will explore thow polars surpasses pandas in terms of speed and performance and discuss how we at Mitz utilize this powerful library.

Polars vs. Pandas: A Performance Comparison:

Reading a dataset using polars
Reading a dataset using pandas

As its visible that while reading the dataset, polars is more than 4X faster than pandas.

Which helps us in doing significantly faster data processing here at Mitz.

Advantages of Polars: Outperforming Pandas in Speed and Functionality

Native Rust Implementation:

Polars, unlike pandas, is built on a native Rust implementation. This choice of language brings significant performance advantages. Rust is known for its emphasis on memory safety, concurrency, and efficient execution, making it an excellent choice for data manipulation tasks. Polars leverages these benefits to process large datasets with lightning-fast speeds, outperforming pandas in many scenarios.

Lazy and Parallel Computing:

Polars introduces the concept of lazy evaluation, which allows for efficient execution of data transformations. Instead of immediately executing operations, polars builds a computation plan, optimizing the sequence of operations for maximum performance. This approach minimizes unnecessary memory usage and accelerates computation by deferring expensive operations until absolutely necessary.

Furthermore, polars integrates parallel computing techniques seamlessly. It automatically utilizes multiple threads or cores, harnessing the full potential of modern hardware. By distributing workloads across available resources, polars delivers faster results, especially on multi-core machines, whereas pandas operates on a single core, limiting its processing capabilities.

DataFrames with Advanced Data Types:

Polars provides a DataFrame structure similar to pandas but expands upon it by incorporating advanced data types. With support for arrow data types, including nested data structures, polars offers greater flexibility in representing and manipulating complex data. This feature enables data scientists to handle nested JSON-like structures efficiently, making it an ideal choice for working with semi-structured data or complex hierarchical data models.

Memory Efficiency:

Another significant advantage of polars is its superior memory management. By utilizing arrow memory format, polars reduces memory overhead and minimizes the need for data copying during operations. This optimization results in reduced memory consumption and faster execution times, making it ideal for working with large datasets that often exceed available memory capacities.

Integration with Other Libraries:

Polars seamlessly integrates with the Python ecosystem, making it easy to incorporate into existing data science workflows. It can read and write data in various formats, including CSV, Parquet, and Apache Arrow. Polars also provides interoperability with pandas, allowing users to leverage existing pandas code while benefiting from polars’ enhanced performance. This interoperability ensures a smooth transition for users looking to adopt polars without rewriting their entire codebase.


While pandas has been a reliable and widely used tool for data manipulation, the emergence of polars introduces a new era of speed and efficiency in handling large-scale datasets. With its native Rust implementation, lazy and parallel computing, support for advanced data types, memory efficiency, and seamless integration with existing libraries, polars outperforms pandas in terms of both speed and functionality.

Data scientists and analysts now have a powerful alternative at their disposal, enabling them to process and analyze massive datasets more quickly and effectively. By embracing polars, users can unlock new possibilities in their data workflows and experience a significant boost in productivity. The future of data manipulation has arrived, and it goes by the name of polars.

