Sky Technologies in Egypt !

Jenat Tishaliny
3 min readMay 14, 2023


Ancient Egyptians were keen observers of the sky and had a deep understanding of celestial phenomena. They developed several sky technologies and astronomical practices that played a crucial role in their culture and society. Here are some notable sky technologies and practices of ancient Egypt:

1.Astronomical Observations: Ancient Egyptians made extensive observations of the night sky and celestial bodies. They tracked the movements of stars, planets, and the moon, and recorded their observations. These observations helped them develop calendars, predict seasonal changes, and navigate the Nile River.

2.Solar Observatories: Ancient Egyptians constructed special structures known as “solar observatories” to observe and track the movements of the sun. One well-known example is the “Stonehenge-like” structure at Abu Simbel. These observatories allowed them to determine solstices and equinoxes, important events for agricultural planning and religious festivals.

3.Egyptian Calendar: The ancient Egyptian calendar was a complex system based on astronomical observations. It consisted of 12 months of 30 days each, with an additional five or six epagomenal days at the end of the year to align with the solar year. The calendar helped in determining the timing of religious festivals, agricultural activities, and administrative matters.

4.Merkhet: The merkhet was an ancient Egyptian instrument used to measure the movement of stars. It consisted of a wooden board with a plumb line and two slits through which observers could align specific stars. By tracking the angle of stars, the merkhet allowed ancient Egyptians to determine the time at night and measure the passage of time.

5.Astronomical Alignment in Architecture: Ancient Egyptian temples and monuments were often aligned with astronomical events. For example, the axis of the Temple of Karnak in Luxor was carefully aligned with the rising sun on specific dates, such as the winter solstice. These alignments served both practical and symbolic purposes, connecting the earthly realm with celestial events.

6.Astrology and Divination: The ancient Egyptians believed that celestial events and the positions of stars and planets had a significant influence on human lives. They practiced astrology and divination, using astronomical observations to predict and interpret future events, make decisions, and understand the nature of individuals

7.The ancient Egyptians’ understanding of the sky and their astronomical practices contributed to their cultural, religious, and agricultural activities. Their observations and technologies were a testament to their intellectual curiosity and advanced knowledge of the natural world.

The ancient Egyptians’ understanding of the sky and their astronomical practices contributed to their cultural, religious, and agricultural activities. Their observations and technologies were a testament to their intellectual curiosity and advanced knowledge of the natural world.



Jenat Tishaliny

hey I'm a nature's seeker , earth can speak with us! just listen deeper and feel , so I want to expose this through my words.