Character Building in Product Design: Crafting User Personas with a Twist

Rishav Raj Sinha
Published in
4 min readOct 25, 2023

Hello, dear readers, welcome to the world of creating user personas. Designing products can be serious, but when it comes to making user personas, a bit of humor can help. If you’re ready for some fun while learning about user experience, come with us on this amusing journey through the world of user personas.

The Persona Creation Saga Begins

Creating user personas is like building a character roster for a sitcom. Picture this: a conference room with a whiteboard, designers scratching their heads, and mountains of post-it notes. It’s a bit like the plot of “The Office,” only with fewer paper sales and more wireframes.

The First Step: Identifying Your Cast

Think of your user personas as the key players in the story of your product. It’s time to bestow upon them names, backgrounds, and peculiarities that would make even Shakespeare proud. While it might be tempting to name them after beloved TV characters, it’s best to steer clear of monikers like “Michael Scott” or “Dwight Schrute.”

Allow me to introduce you to Sarah, the “Smart Shopper” Thompson, a master of navigating e-commerce sites in search of the best deals. Or, meet David, known as the “Data Detective” Ramirez, who craves in-depth analytics like a sleuth in a crime drama. Make these personas unforgettable because, in the end, they will help shape the destiny of your product.

Diving into Research: The Detective Work

After christening your personas with sitcom-worthy names, it’s time to embrace your inner Sherlock Holmes and embark on a quest for data. User interviews, surveys, and analytics become your loyal companions in this investigative journey. Think of it as a thrilling mystery drama, with the ultimate puzzle being, ‘What do users truly desire?’

Along the way, you might encounter a few ‘data enigmas’ who are hesitant to divulge their secrets. Fear not; a dash of cleverness and charm can coax the truth from even the most reluctant sources. Keep in mind, even the great Sherlock had to engage in psychological battles with Moriarty!

Adding Character to Your Personas

Now that you’ve collected enough evidence, it’s time to flesh out your personas. Give them personalities that pop like the characters in a sitcom. What are their hobbies, interests, and pet peeves? Maybe Sarah “Savvy Shopper” Thompson enjoys long walks in the mall and despises slow-loading websites. David “Data Digger” Ramirez might love Excel spreadsheets but hates cluttered dashboards.

Don’t shy away from a little creative embellishment — personas are meant to be memorable, and it’s the quirks that make them stick in your mind.

Empathy: The Soap Opera Twist

Empathy is the captivating plot twist in our persona creation tale. To design exceptional products, you must immerse yourself in your personas’ world. Think of it as unmasking the hidden twin in a never-ending soap opera — brimming with suspense and intense emotions.

To channel your inner soap opera actor, make an effort to genuinely connect with your personas’ feelings. Walk in their virtual footsteps, share in their triumphs and struggles, and perhaps even shed a tear or two when their journey encounters obstacles.

Dramatic Personas Need Validation

Much like characters in a sitcom, your personas should remain authentic and unwavering. Remember those “Friends” episodes where Ross’s personality was all over the map? You wouldn’t want your personas to follow suit.

To maintain their credibility, validation is essential, and this is where user testing and A/B testing take the spotlight. Envision it as a reality TV program where personas confront real-life challenges. Will they emerge triumphant, or will they falter under the stress? The suspense builds!

Putting Personas in Action: The Design Showdown

Now comes the epic showdown you’ve been eagerly awaiting — the climax of this tangled web of mishaps. Your personas seize the spotlight as they guide the design process. Imagine it as a design reality TV competition, with personas as the competitors, vying for the ultimate prize of your product’s success.

Should you introduce that flashy new feature, or stay faithful to the fundamentals? Will your personas adore the new color palette, or will they revolt like characters in a futuristic dystopian thriller? With your personas in the director’s seat, you’ll gracefully tackle these design dilemmas with a touch of humor.

The Never-Ending Series: Persona Evolution

In the world of user personas, it’s not a sitcom with a neatly wrapped-up ending. It’s more like “The Simpsons” — an endless series that evolves over time. As your product grows and changes, so will your personas. Stay tuned for the next season as you continue to gather data and refine your characters.

Conclusion: The Curtain Falls

And there you have it, our guide to the art of user persona creation, spiced up with humor and a touch of suspense. Crafting these personas for your product is akin to penning the script for the next big comedy hit. You’ll experience moments of hilarity, maybe a touch of drama, and, above all, you’ll design remarkable products.

So, my fellow designers, embrace humor in your persona creation journey. It’s the secret ingredient that adds zest to your design adventure. Now, go forth and bring to life personas worthy of their own spin-off series — it’s time to make your product design a showstopper!



Rishav Raj Sinha
Writer for

CAE Modeller || Low Poly Graphics Designer || UI/UX Designer || Transitioned from being an Engineer to Designer