GSoC Week 4: Priorities Component

Rishav Rakshit
2 min readJun 26, 2019


This week of GSoC has focused on the ‘Patient Flags Priority component’, building it’s modals, doing REST calls and running discussions on the peculiarities of Patient Flags Module API.

This week of GSoC has focused on the ‘Patient Flags Priority component’, building it’s modals, doing REST calls and running discussions on the peculiarities of Patient Flags Module API.

Manage Priorities

The Manage Priorities UI

Similar to the ‘Manage Tags’ component, the ‘Manage Priorities’ component fetches a list of priorities and their associated style and rank via REST [documentation].

Edit Priority Modal

On clicking either the ‘Add Priority’ button or on any priority name, the ‘Edit Priority modal pops up which lets us edit the various parameters of a priority.

It also contains a color picker that is used to set the ‘Style’ of a priority.

We’ve also explored the ‘Patient Flags Module’ API extensively, debugged (and are debugging) existing issues and changed a few of the properties that are sent back in full and def reps.

In all, this week & Sprint #2 has been quite exploratory in nature and we got a in-depth look under the hood of the Patient Flags Module API.

In depth Analysis coming soon!


  1. PR: [coming soon]
  2. Sprint #2 Thread



Rishav Rakshit

GSoC 2019 @ OpenMRS | I’m a software developer with ❤ for NLP and UIs. You can see my ML & NLP blog here —