Israel vs Palestine

Rishav Sinha
2 min readOct 11, 2023


Another nation, another conflict and guess who’s behind it? The Great Britain. We are not going too back in the history, and check who ruled when and how well of a ruler it was? We will focus on the modern era and will point out the real issue.

Map of Israel and Palestine

Now, if you look precisely the map of the mentioned countries you will find that there isn’t a proper division. The area is divided in such a way that the conflict cannot be resolved without the extermination of either one of them, the Jews or the Muslims. After the separation of the two countries based on the religion, the Muslims felt it unfair and nobody was ready to recognise Israel as an independent nation, which lastly USA did.

The Jews weren’t a part of Palestine first, as they were migrants who came from Germany, running away from Adolf Hittler, who actually paid for the immigration of Jews from Germany to Palestine as the British used to collect some money as “immigration tax”. Soon after, in 1948, they got independence and since there were more Jews than Muslims, the area got divided, two nations formed, the Palestine and Israel.

Soon after independence, the Israel went into multiple wars from the neighboring countries who wanted an all Palestine state, but it turned out to be the exact opposite of what they were thinking. With every war, Israel had to face, it fought with all might and stood up at the podium of victory and increased its territory little by little. To counter Israel, a terrorist organisation was formed, named Hamas. The Hamas group, another Muslim terrorist organisation (the most suppressed people), now and then tries to attack Israel from the Gaza strip and tries to create an imbalance in the area, killing thousands of people, out of nowhere.

The current war is also like the previous one and I believe that it will be the last one and with everything that is happening, I just can’t believe that a few people are strongly in favor of Palestine as they consider them as their fellow Muslims, who apparently are so peaceful that they started a full-fledged war by firing multiple missiles towards the residential areas of Israel killing thousands. Someone once said , “Every day is a war for existence” and that is what the people of Israel are living.

I am not here to blame a specific person or religion but, just think for an instance, why it is always the Muslims?

