Interacting with Users in JavaScript: alert, prompt, and confirm

2 min readJul 25, 2023

In this post, we will explore three essential functions in JavaScript that allow developers to interact with users through simple and straightforward modal windows. These functions are alert, prompt, and confirm. We'll dive into each function's usage, syntax, and behaviour, as well as share some tips to enhance user experience. Let's get started!

The alert Function:

The alert function is perfect for displaying messages to users. It shows a modal window with the provided message and waits for the user to press the "OK" button. The visitor can't interact with the rest of the page until they acknowledge the message. Example:


The prompt Function:

With the prompt function, developers can prompt users to input text. The function accepts two parameters: title (the text to display) and an optional default (the initial value for the input field). The user can type something and press "OK," and the function will return the input text. If the user cancels or presses "Esc," the function returns null. Example:

let age = prompt('How old are you?', 100);
alert(`You are ${age} years old!`);

Note: To ensure proper functionality in Internet Explorer, always provide a default value, even if it’s an empty string.

The confirm Function:

The confirm function is ideal for asking users yes-or-no questions. It displays a modal window with the provided question and waits for the user to press "OK" or "Cancel." The function returns true if the user presses "OK" and false if they press "Cancel" or use the "Esc" key. Example:

let isBoss = confirm("Are you the boss?");
alert(isBoss); // true if OK is pressed


In this blog post, we’ve covered three powerful functions — alert, prompt, and confirm - to interact with users effectively. These modal windows are simple and easy to use, providing a straightforward way to communicate with visitors. Keep in mind that the appearance and positioning of these windows depend on the browser and cannot be customized.

For more complex and visually appealing interactions, there are other advanced techniques available. However, if simplicity and ease of implementation are your primary concerns, these functions will serve you well.
Happy coding!

