Finding the Most Efficient Route with Generative AI and Large Language Models (LLMs) in Python

Rishi Sharma
6 min readJun 20, 2024

Traditional route planning algorithms like Dijkstra’s are workhorses, but they often struggle to account for real-world dynamics like traffic congestion, accidents, or road closures. This can lead to inaccurate estimates and inefficient routes. Here’s where Generative AI (Gen-AI) and Large Language Models (LLMs) come in. By combining their strengths with traditional methods, we can develop a more comprehensive system for finding the absolute fastest route for your journey.

This article explores this approach and provides extensive Python code to implement a basic framework.

Understanding the Approach

  1. Data Collection with LLMs: We’ll leverage an LLM to gather real-time traffic information from various sources:
  • News feeds: Breaking news about accidents or road closures.
  • Social media: User reports of traffic jams or delays.
  • Traffic APIs: Real-time traffic data from government agencies or mapping services.

2. Route Generation with LLMs: Using the collected data, the LLM will generate various potential routes with estimated travel times considering the current traffic conditions.

3. Gen-AI Integration: A Gen-AI model will analyze historical traffic patterns for the specific route options suggested by the LLM. This analysis can help identify the route with the most consistent travel times despite temporary fluctuations.

4. Traditional Algorithm: To ensure accuracy and optimize the chosen route, we’ll use a traditional route planning algorithm like Dijkstra’s on the chosen route, incorporating the LLM’s estimated travel times.

Python Implementation

This code showcases a more complete framework. Note that you’ll need to integrate specific LLM and Gen-AI libraries based on your chosen platform.

import requests  # For making API calls
from heapq import heappush, heappop # For implementing Dijkstra's algorithm
import networkx as nx # For graph manipulation

# Function to use LLM to gather traffic information
def get_traffic_data(llm_api_key, origin, destination):
# Replace with actual LLM API call (e.g., OpenAI API)
url = f""
payload = {
"model": "text-davinci-003",
"prompt": f"Find real-time traffic information for routes from {origin} to {destination} including news reports, social media updates, and traffic API data.",
"max_tokens": 1024,
"n": 1,
"stop": None,
"temperature": 0.7,
headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {llm_api_key}"}
response =, headers=headers, json=payload)
return response.json()["choices"][0]["text"].strip()

# Function to parse traffic data and generate potential routes with estimated times
def parse_traffic_data_and_generate_routes(traffic_data, origin, destination):
# This function would parse the LLM response (traffic_data) to extract
# relevant information like accidents, delays, and estimated travel times
# for different routes. It would then generate a list of potential routes
# represented as NetworkX graphs with estimated travel times as edge weights.

# Here's a simplified example for demonstration purposes
routes = []
# Route 1: I-93 N with potential accident on exit 10
graph_route_1 = nx.DiGraph()
graph_route_1.add_edge(origin, "I-93 N", weight=45) # Estimated time without accident
graph_route_1.add_edge("I-93 N", "Exit 10", weight=10) # Potential accident delay
graph_route_1.add_edge("Exit 10", destination, weight=20)
routes.append({"graph": graph_route_1, "estimated_time": "75 minutes"})

# Route 2: Route 2 E, I-90 E with minor construction on I-90 E
graph_route_2 = nx.DiGraph()
graph_route_2.add_edge(origin, "Route 2 E", weight=30)
graph_route_2.add_edge("Route 2 E", "I-90 E", weight=25)
graph_route_2.add_edge("I-90 E", destination, weight=35) # Minor construction delay
routes.append({"graph": graph_route_2, "estimated_time": "90 minutes"})
return routes

# Function to analyze routes with Gen-AI (placeholder for now)
def analyze_routes_gen_ai(gen_ai_model, routes):
# This function would use a Gen-AI model to analyze historical traffic
*patterns* for the provided routes (represented as NetworkX graphs). It would
consider factors like *daily/weekly variations* and analyze historical
accident data to identify the route with the most consistent travel times
despite temporary fluctuations.

# Placeholder for now, we'll assign a "confidence score" based on a
# simulated analysis (higher score indicates higher confidence)
for route in routes:
route["confidence_score"] = random.uniform(0.7, 1.0) # Replace with Gen-AI prediction
return routes

# Dijkstra's algorithm implementation for NetworkX graphs
def dijkstra_with_estimated_times(graph, origin, estimated_times):
distances = {vertex: float("inf") for vertex in graph.nodes()}
distances[origin] = 0
pq = [(0, origin)]
while pq:
current_dist, current_vertex = heappop(pq)
for neighbor, weight in graph.edges(current_vertex, data='weight'):
new_dist = current_dist + weight
if new_dist < distances[neighbor]:
distances[neighbor] = new_dist
heappush(pq, (new_dist, neighbor))
return distances

# Main function
def find_fastest_route(llm_api_key, gen_ai_model, origin, destination):
traffic_data = get_traffic_data(llm_api_key, origin, destination)
routes = parse_traffic_data_and_generate_routes(traffic_data, origin, destination)
routes = analyze_routes_gen_AI(gen_ai_model, routes) # Analyze routes with Gen-AI

# Choose route with highest confidence score (or modify logic based on your Gen-AI model)
best_route = max(routes, key=lambda route: route["confidence_score"])
graph = best_route["graph"]
estimated_time = best_route["estimated_time"]

# Use Dijkstra's on the chosen route with estimated times as edge weights
distances = dijkstra_with_estimated_times(graph, origin, estimated_times)
travel_time = distances[destination]
return best_route["graph"], travel_time

# Example usage (replace placeholders with actual data and models)
origin = "Chelmsford, MA"
destination = "Boston, MA"
llm_api_key = "YOUR_LLM_API_KEY"
gen_ai_model = YourGenAIModel() # Replace with your Gen-AI model instance

best_route_graph, travel_time = find_fastest_route(llm_api_key, gen_ai_model, origin, destination)

# Extract waypoints from the chosen route graph (assuming waypoints are node labels)
waypoints = list(best_route_graph.nodes())
print(f"Fastest route: {waypoints}")
print(f"Estimated travel time: {travel_time} minutes")

# You can further visualize the route using NetworkX functionalities
nx.draw(best_route_graph) # Replace with your visualization code

Explanation of the above Code:

  • parse_traffic_data_and_generate_routes: This function now builds NetworkX graphs representing potential routes with estimated travel times as edge weights.
  • analyze_routes_gen_ai: This remains a placeholder, but demonstrates how a Gen-AI model could analyze historical traffic patterns (represented by the graphs) to assign confidence scores.
  • dijkstra_with_estimated_times: Modified Dijkstra's algorithm to work with NetworkX graphs and considers estimated times as edge weights.
  • find_fastest_route: The main function incorporates Gen-AI analysis (currently a placeholder) and chooses the route with the highest confidence score.
  • Example Usage: Demonstrates how to find the fastest route, extract waypoints, and potentially visualize the chosen route using NetworkX (visualization code not provided).

Improvements and Considerations:

  1. Challenges and Limitations

While this approach holds promise, there are challenges to consider:

  • Data Quality and Bias: The accuracy of LLM responses and historical traffic data used by Gen-AI models can impact results. It’s crucial to address potential biases in these data sources to ensure fair and reliable route recommendations.
  • Computational Cost: Running complex Gen-AI models for real-time traffic analysis can be computationally expensive. Exploring model optimization techniques or cloud-based processing can help mitigate this.

2. Ethical Considerations

Using LLMs and Gen-AI for route planning raises some ethical considerations:

  • Privacy Concerns: Collecting real-time traffic data, especially user-reported information from social media, necessitates attention to privacy. Anonymization techniques can help protect user privacy.
  • Algorithmic Bias: Gen-AI models can inherit biases from the data they are trained on. It’s important to be mindful of these biases and implement techniques to mitigate them

3. Code Enhancements:

The provided code offers a good starting point. Here are some ways to enhance it:

  • Error Handling: Add code snippets demonstrating basic error handling for LLM API calls or potential exceptions during route generation. This can improve the robustness of the system.
  • Modularity: Briefly discuss how the code can be further modularized for better maintainability and scalability. This could involve separating functions for LLM interaction, route parsing, Gen-AI analysis, and pathfinding with Dijkstra’s algorithm. Separating functionalities makes the code easier to understand, modify, and reuse.

Conclusion and Future Exploration

This approach leverages the power of LLMs and Gen-AI to find the most efficient route by considering real-time traffic conditions and historical patterns. While the current implementation provides a foundation, further development can lead to a more robust and personalized route planning system.

Future Exploration:

  • Refine Gen-AI Model: Develop a Gen-AI model specifically trained on historical traffic data for the relevant regions. This model could analyze factors like:
  • Time-based variations: Analyze traffic patterns throughout the day, week, and month to identify trends and predict congestion patterns.
  • Accident likelihood: Train the model on historical accident data to identify road segments with a higher probability of accidents, allowing for route adjustments.
  • Weather impact: Integrate weather data to account for how weather conditions (e.g., rain, snow) might affect travel times.
  • Real-time Traffic Integration: Integrate real-time traffic data feeds from mapping services or government agencies. This would allow for dynamic updates to the estimated travel times and potentially trigger route re-calculations during the journey.
  • User Preferences: Allow users to specify preferences beyond just the fastest route. Options could include:
  • Avoiding tolls
  • Prioritizing scenic routes
  • Choosing routes with a higher likelihood of having gas stations or rest stops

The system could then factor these preferences into the route selection process, creating a more personalized experience.

  • Multi-modal Routing: Explore incorporating different transportation modes (e.g., public transportation, biking) into the route planning. This would require considering factors like wait times, transfer connections, and availability for a more comprehensive travel solution.

By implementing these advancements, we can create a truly intelligent and user-friendly route planning system that adapts to real-time conditions and caters to individual needs. This can significantly improve travel efficiency, reduce frustration, and contribute to a more sustainable transportation landscape.



Rishi Sharma

Senior Manager Software Engineering | Software Architect | AWS