2 min readFeb 20, 2022


I just finished my second week in WIT fellowship. And as I mentioned in my previous blog we were divided into teams with mentors and working as a part of team can be both rewarding and challenging. A dedicated team make it easier to overcome obstacles and hit the target. And a team will be considered as a strong team if it has effective communication in between. It does’nt matter how disruptive your skill is- if your team does’nt communicate well, you’re going to be fighting an uphill battle.

And to have an effective communication within our team we had our catchups and communications running everyday since 7th february. These catchups has an optimal length of 15–30 minutes. It may sound like 15–30 minutes is too short to make any progress on but it is not soo true because these catchups not only track our progress but also helps us to fix our issues.

These catchups takes place every morning so that entire team can get informed and aligned to the task that needs to be done. Not only this, we also share our ideas, point of views, information in these catchups and it also help us to clear our doubts .

With the help of these sessions we were able to to communicate more with each other and it also let the flow of information accurately and quickly. These sessions not only help us in improving our technical skills but also played a key role in improving our interpersonal skills.

These catchups and communication helped us a lot to achieve our target with the help of these sessions I was able to communicate well with my mentor and with my peers too. These sessions helped me to overcome my hesitation and put me one step forward toward my target.


