“My experience with debugging skills , how they contribute to your success so far”

2 min readMar 14, 2022


If debugging is the process of removing software bugs, then programing must be the process of putting them in. — Edsger Dijikstra

Greetings to all my readers !

Today, I’ll be discussing my experience with debugging so far.

Debugging, in computer programming and engineering , is a multistep process that involves identifying a problem, isolating the source of the problem and then either correcting the problem or determining a way to work around it.

Nowadays debugging became an art which takes ongoing efforts to master. But can be really fun when we get better at it.

Debugging is like being the detective in a crime movie, where you are also the murderer.

Yes right, we the programmer are the primary bug creator and it is perfectly fine to be like that. With that, we are also responsible to ‘debug’ the code to make it bugs free.

Typically, for me the debugging process starts as soon as code is written and continues in successive stages.

Why we need to debug?

Debugging certainly helps and breaks complex problems into simple ones to keep things simple. A debugging helps us to stop our code when it gets to the place where we suspect a problem of logic or implementation and to investigate whether it is really doing what we thought it would.

Steps involved in debugging are:

  1. Identify the error

2. find the error location

3. analyze the error

4. prove the analysis

5.cover lateral damage

6. fix and validate

How debugging help me with coding?

To be very honest, I used to spend hours and hours staring at single line of code and saying “this should work” and trying every possible way to debug that code. I spend most of my time in debugging but now I have improved my debugging skills to some extent. Debugging is helping me to develop logical and analytical understanding. It is helping me in locating and fixing my mistakes.


