“My Experience with problem solving so far”

2 min readMar 6, 2022


Greetings to all my readers!

Well, interestingly I had completed one month in WIT program. It was a great experience and if I talk about my experience with problem solving so far….then it is nothing less than having bittersweet feelings at their best.

On every Monday we were assigned with our upcoming week’s milestones. One part of those milestones include problem solving.

During the very first stage of my problem solving when our mentor first gave us some problems. I was scared and excited too. But our mentor filled us with hope and confidence. I ‘d feel positive after conquering one or two problems and overcoming the confusion of variables and conditions.

After solving few easy problems ,I thought I’d mastered all problems but after sometimes I was faced with the reality of the situation. When I tried solving some more problems somehow, all my code was now broken and nothing would work. It was a lot harder than I’d initially thought. I eagerly tried every possible way to solve my problems but nothing had happened.

At that time I was unable to find out my error. Then I asked my mentor about it that why I was having this error again and again , he simply smiled and asked me to read the problem statement again and then tried to find out the correct solution. Then I again read the problem statement and tried solving it . This time I applied some other concept and suddenly my code got accepted. That was the best feelings.

After this, during my one month journey in WIT program, I solved many question. And now I am not scared of problem solving even I am excited about solving it.


Photo by Caleb Chen on Unsplash

