Dead Fishing Interview

Rising Artist
4 min readMay 24, 2020


Dead Fishing, 17, is a male rapper from Scarborough, Toronto. He currently has 532 followers on SoundCloud and 1,492 followers on Instagram.

Dead Fishing said he started making music when he was 16 after being inspired by artists like Nav, who created his now platinum single “Myself,” in his moms basements.

“It really made me want to do it on my own and not depend on anyone – [not] even a studio – to do music,” he said. “I went to school and hated it. I would smoke, drink & pop and be in my room all day wanting to record but never had anywhere I could go, so I went out and bought a mic and amp…from there I started watching YouTube videos on how to mix.”

Dead Fishing said the first rappers he listened to were Eminem and 50 Cent when he was about 7–9 years old. He said Eminem inspired him when he was young because he felt he could identify with him.

“I listen to all types of rap and don’t really have specific artists I like,” he said. “I really like listening to underground people.”

So far, he’s released 6 songs but not an official EP or album. Many of his songs say they’re self produced.

He describes his style as “self-made,” “versatile” and “emotional.” That’s absolutely an accurate description of his music, with a bigger emphasis on “emotional” as a lot of what he raps about is coping with life issues using drugs and alcohol.

So far, Dead Fishing hasn’t performed live. He said he doesn’t have a specific person he’d like to perform with, or a favorite artist in general, but that his dream place to perform is in Toronto biggest arena downtown where Drake, The Weeknd & other big artist performed.

“I wanna perform at the stadium downtown one day because that’s my city, one of the biggest stages in the world,” he said. “And I could bring my mom out.”

How I found Dead Fishing

My brother and friend were into the underground SoundCloud scene before I was. They played his song, “Thought U Were Gonna Wait,” in the car one night as we were cruising around. It was close to four years ago. I looked up at the radio screen, saw the song info and immediately grabbed my phone to add it to my playlist. Back then, the song only had a couple hundred plays and a handful of likes, and was his only song posted at the time. Now, “Thought U Were Gonna Wait” has 100k+ plays and 735 likes before it was taken down, Its Now posted on his other new SoundCloud page doing as well too.

I also DM’d him on Instagram after finding this song, telling him it was awesome and to make more music. He was super nice and appreciative. We sent a couple messages back and forth and I found out he’s actually from 5 hrs away where I live.

More of his general style:

Recent Activity

Dead Fishing recently dropped a new song “Drinking Too Much” it’s currently at 3.3k and 48 likes

Dead Fishing said his next move is to release a album on June 1.

“I’m working on new album hopefully get it done by September, and have some big plans for the future,” he said.

Find DEAD FISHING on SoundCloud



