4 Tips To Get From College To Career

May-The Month of Making It Happen!

Christina B. Rising
Rising To Be
4 min readMay 12, 2019


This week I decided to read “Getting From College To Career” by Lindsey Pollak, I wanted to read this book because I’m literally about to go from college to career. I will be graduating this Saturday on May 18th with a Marketing degree and Minor in Communications, and I am ready to Rise to Be who I have always wanted to be.

I will be discussing:

1. Your Not The Only One Without A Job

2. Stop Settling, Just Start

3. Part-Time Your Way To Full-Time

4. Make Your Resume Shine

And be sure to read my last blog on “Book Review: 3 Reasons To Read ‘Work Party’ & FREE Download: May 2019 Motivational Quote Desktop Wallpapers.

If I could some up this book into one word it would have to be the word Transition: the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another.

1. Your Not The Only One Without A Job

The average job search can be up 6 months or longer, that is why you can’t give up hope. Keep motivated by being open to look for a position in different ways besides online job boards.

Stop submitting applications to small companies and business and try applying with bigger companies and corporations. Try applying for jobs you don’t think you’re qualified for and watch in amazement as they call you in for an interview.

Apply outside of the 10 miles near your house, revamp your LinkedIn profile. Level up your resume by working on certifications while your on this journey, help others you know to find jobs too and let that good karma sprinkle on your life.

2. Stop Settling, Just Start

Every job your offered may not seem like a perfect fit, that is why it is important that you find out the typical career path of the past person that was in the position.

Think of that position as a building block to get to where you want to be, opportunities can be found in any position you have.

If the economy is suffering and everyone is having issues finding a job, you should consider yourself lucky that any position was offered to you. While in that position you can work on building experience and making connections with other professionals.

3. Part-Time Your Way To Full-Time

Sometimes when you apply for a position they love you as a candidate but at the moment they just can’t hire you as a full-time employee.

You should still take the position promotions happen all the time, stay humble and impress them enough to ensure you’ll become a full-time employee.

And while your working part-time keep your eye open for other jobs outside of that position.

4. Make Your Resume Shine

You need more than a resume to get an interview in 2019, have a digital portfolio, cover letter, letters of recommendation and of course networking.

Get a professional to review your resume and do a deep dive into what you have, and customize it for specific positions.

Send emails with a professional email header and follow immediately when you get a reply.

Would I Buy Or Read Again?

Can I see myself re-reading Lindsey Pollak book “Getting From College To Career” again? Yes! Can I see myself even purchasing “Getting From College To Career” ? Yes, because this book makes you feel like your not going through your job search alone and that there is hope. I strongly recommend this as a graduation gift to everyone you know.

The Question of the Week is inspired by Lindsey Pollak’s book “Getting From College To Career”. How did you ‘Get from College to Career’?

Answer: By always looking for my next opportunity and staying ready for an interview.

1. Keeping an updated resume & LinkedIn profile.

2. Searching job boards weekly.

3. Updating your portfolio.

4. Creating a ‘brag binder’ of all of your accomplishments

5. Always have business causal wear ready for an interview

Catch up on my last blogs on “Book Review: 3 Reasons To Read ‘Work Party’ & FREE Download: May 2019 Motivational Quote Desktop Wallpapers.

If you have any book suggestions add them below in the comments, and look out for new book reviews every Sunday. And remember “As we ‘Rise to Be’, we are becoming who we want to be” I am Christina B. Rising and I will always be rising. 🤗



Christina B. Rising
Rising To Be

Helping you rise to be productive, organized and productive! Keep Rising To Be Who You Want To Be!