All We Need is To Be Patient

Riska Islamiyah
3 min readNov 17, 2022
Photo by Roberto Júnior on Unsplash

When we try so hard to get what we want, sometimes we become impatient to see the results.

When we haven’t found the result we sometimes become worried about what will happen, and want to be angry with ourselves, to the point that sometimes we question God’s decrees that feel so long.

When we are faced with a problem, we then become disappointed because we think it has already been the result and question God’s decree again, feeling that the result has betrayed our efforts.

Even though it could not be the result of what we are trying to do. Maybe the problem we face, the situation where we fall is a bridge which is God’s way of teaching us to get closer to him, to be tougher before meeting results.

Sometimes, all we need is to be patient.

At certain times, maybe we will feel that being patient is very difficult. No matter how many people tell us to be patient, our hearts feel like they want to flutter.

Whereas the impatience that is in us will not make everything happen quickly. If our dream is big, it also takes a large amount of time to be there. and some of them occur at unexpected times.

That’s why no matter how big our ambition is, we also need to be patient.

This life will be meaningless if we only fill it with anger, but we will be wiser by being patient and waiting for what we deserve.

Try to better understand what we are dealing with.

Then how to be patient?

Patience is a process of self-control. This means the ability to accept problems, delays, or suffering without getting anxious. the ability to survive in difficult circumstances. Patience isn’t just the ability to wait – it’s how we act when we are waiting.

There are many ways to increase our patience, and realize that some things we cannot control, but we can control ourselves and how to respond to them.

We must identify what can cause us to be impatient, then how we can direct our minds so we can think positively.

When negative emotions and thoughts arise that make us impatient we can divert these thoughts to focus on keeping ourselves busy with fun things, taking a breath, can take time to sit down before moving forward. Pay attention. See things to be grateful for.

Find happiness by starting to do the things we want to do without worrying about time.

After we have tried our best and consistently to get to what we want to achieve, we just need to be patient. Enjoy the journey not only when we arrive at the destination. Look at a problem or situation where we fall as an opportunity to learn.

By changing our mindset, we will certainly be more patient.

Don’t just focus on the result, but also focus on what we can learn to get there.

No matter how hard the patience we try to apply to ourselves, rest assured it will not be in vain in the end. Rest assured that all good things will be in their best time.

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