The Gift


by Max Sebastian Burchett

“Dear Mother, Thank you!” Max Burchett

However you say the name,

Mom, Mum, Momma, Mommy,

We all feel the same.

Dear Mother, Thank you!

For all you did for me.

You did not have to,

I know it was all a genuine gift.

You wanted to.

Every meal, all I wore,

Did not matter, if a little or more,

You gave all you had, was mine,

Then touched my heart with loving words, and stories read

Your voice, stored always in my mind.

The love you gave

Was like no other gift in this world,

Greate than all earthly things.

What carried me on,

What meant more,

Was your gift

Of love divine.

Thank you, Mama!

“T’was the love you gave, like no other gift in this world, greater than all earthly things.” Max Burchett



Maxwell "Max" Sebastian Burchett

Max Burchett: a writer, singer and songwriter, crooner, a teller of tales, a dream maker, soul shaker and captivator, hoping that in verse and prose he prevails