Google Code-in 2019: A wrap up

Hrishikesh Patil
4 min readJan 19, 2020


What is Google Code-in? This is a worldwide, online event hosted by Google which begins around the end of every year lasts for roughly 50 days where students aged 13–17 can work with different open-source organisations to complete small tasks to get started on their coding journey and possibly become contributors to open source community.

Google code in logo
GCI Logo

Which organisation did you work with?

For this year, I decided to stick with OpenMRS, the organisation that I was a finalist for last year.

OpenMRS logo
OpenMRS Logo

Tell us a bit about the organisation

OpenMRS is an open source application that was developed so that the users can design a customized medical records system without any major programming knowledge. From the team behind the app, “It is a common framework upon which medical informatics efforts in developing countries can be built.”

Interactions with the members of the organisation

I mainly communicated with the mentors on the Telegram group made for the events, where I even socialized with the other contestants. Talking to the other people of the team however was via the OpenMRS talk.

How was the journey?

Code-in 2019 was a memorable one, as I personally felt I outperformed myself from last year. I did 4 tasks more (3 at the time of writing, completed another one later), and did not do even a single beginner task this time. Thus, this put my final task count at 28. Besides that, I also found myself discussing the tasks with fellow students and guiding them on the Telegram group.

My main focus was on the coding tasks, but I also did a few designing and quality assurance tasks as well.

What did I learn?

I got a lot more skills in responsive web design, learnt quite a bit of Node.js, React and Go. I also learnt a bit about Android development, but did not do much on that since I was limited by my PC. Besides the tasks, I also tried to address the issues on their tracker but found out I could only do one

Notable Task mentions:

Going from the worst(but still worth showing hehe) to the best

  • First task to be completed was a HTML design to thank the GCI students. Here’s what I did (it can be used as an example for responsive web design. How NOT to do it though)
  • Then come the video tasks, since I’m not exactly the creative type
  1. A video about Computer Ergonomics

2. Another video about scrum

  • Then come the designs which were sent as images
  1. A t-shirt designed for the participants

2. Twitter/Facebook cover image for OpenMRS and GSoC

3. An icon for the Nigeria Telemedicine app

  • Some actual contributions ^_^
  1. A Wiki Page that shows the code quality of the platform
  2. Updated a readme (by a line hehehe)
  3. And the one which would’ve been the best but turned out to actually be useless, I tried to fix an inbuilt library which is not modified
  • Went on to get a bit better at responsive web design, but still not perfect
  • Coding tasks! Not many in number but definitely contributed the most in learning and efforts
  1. Making a React App
  2. GoLang App which acts as a backend for hospital computers
  3. Express App which is used to manage the products in a store
  • And finally, a properly designed responsive webpage

Summing up

Overall it was a great learning experience. The last year that I will be participating in Google Code-in for me was definitely the best

