[Part 2] Crafting Seamless Experiences: A Designer’s Guide to “Information Architecture for the Web and Beyond”

Risma Nurfiani
4 min readJul 8, 2024


In part 1 we have dived into the basic summary by understanding the overview of IA and understanding our users. Let’s go deeper..

Information Architecture for web and beyond by Louis Rosenfeld and Peter Morvell & Jorge Arango

3. Addressing Information Overload

We often jump to solutions rather than confirming that a user problem is a problem. It’s often overwhelming especially if you’re a solo designer. It’s hard to find a user need that’s actually a need, and sometimes we’re biased in our research. Everything will feel easy if there is collaboration, interdisciplinary collaboration is ideal and collaboration will work well if each expert understands something about the other’s field of expertise.

But How to design complex information environments❓It is particularly important is provide context within the greater whole.

Audit, Simplify, Implement Filters.

Information Architecture for web and beyond by Louis Rosenfeld and Peter Morvell & Jorge Arango

Building context — allowing users to locate their positions within the system is a critical function of navigation systems.
Global navigation systems —are intended to be present on every page or screen in the information environment.
Local navigation systems — are complement global ones, and allow users to explore the immediate area where they are.

User Orientation Understand the importance of helping users know where they are on your website at all times, using clear labeling and consistent navigation cues to enhance their experience.

The navigation system should also present as much as possible of the structure of the information hierarchy in a clear and consistent manner, and indicate the user’s current location exp “you here”

Information Architecture for web and beyond by Louis Rosenfeld and Peter Morvell & Jorge Arango

(1) Where am I?
(2) I know what I’m looking for, how do U search for it?
(3) How do I get around this site?
(4) What’s important and unique about this organization?
(5) What’s available on this site?
(6) What’s happening there?
(7) How do I engage with them via various othe popular digital channels?
(8) How can I contact a human?
(9) What’s their address?
(10) How can I access my account?

Information Architecture for web and beyond by Louis Rosenfeld and Peter Morvell & Jorge Arango

4. Strategy and IA Reports

Design is where you shape a high-level strategy into an information architecture, creating detailed sitemaps, wireframes, and metadata schema. Research can be addictive: the more you learn, the more questions you have. The bridge between research and design is an information architecture strategy. In short, the line between research and strategy is blurred.

From a bottom-up perspective, suggests candidate document types and a rough metadata schema. (Figure 12–2)

We will learn to effectively communicate and collaborate with stakeholders, developers, and others to ensure everyone involved understands and follows the same vision with IA Strategy Report. The main deliverable of the strategy phase is the strategy report. (Figure 12–6)

Information Architecture for web and beyond by Louis Rosenfeld and Peter Morvell & Jorge Arango


Book of “Information Architecture for the Web and Beyond” Louis Rosenfeld and Peter Morvell & Jorge Arango is an essential resource for designers who want to create not just beautiful but highly functional and user-friendly digital experiences. By mastering the principles of IA, you can transform your designs into intuitive, seamless, and engaging environments that users love.

Incorporate the insights from this book into your design process, and you’ll move beyond aesthetics to achieve true functionality and user satisfaction. You’ll build digital spaces where users feel understood and empowered, turning complex information into clear and navigable experiences.

By applying these IA principles, you’ll elevate your designs, creating digital products that stand out and provide meaningful, impactful, and user-centered experiences. Embrace IA and become a designer who crafts not only beautiful interfaces but also exceptional user experiences.

Thank you!👋

