Art of Balancing Work Life

Rita Pater
2 min readAug 12, 2020



When was the last time you spent a whole day with yourself the way you actually wanted, without thinking you should be somewhere else?

Doing nothing, meeting friends, going to the cinema, reading books, drawing, dancing, and actually living the moment without thinking about the other things, has become extremely difficult these days.

In the critical period of the job market, it’s harder to say stop, when it is crucial to have a job. And being grateful for that is one thing. However, it’s possible that you’re surrounded by voices saying: Be productive! Is it really what you’ve been doing the whole time? This is the list of your tasks? XX would be able to do that so much faster. Don’t postpone your projects! Remember about KPIs! You’re too lazy! You should work harder! (…)

Pursuing the work-life balance is an ongoing process. In reality, our journey often means taking two steps forward and one step back. Of course, sometimes it’s nearly impossible to stop and even think about such an ordinary thing as “What do I want to have for lunch?”. I guess it’s just a part of adult life. However, the best thing we can do when the black clouds are coming is to remember that we do have options. There always is a way to invite some extra space into our life.

When I personally feel there is a chance I might find myself in such a difficult place, I try to focus on the here and now.

I usually do the following things:

1/ I prioritize the tasks I really NEED to complete today (2–3 things)
2/ If I can, I will reschedule the delivery of the rest
3/ I write down a highly granulated checklist of things to do (1minute tasks are welcome!) and thanks to that I can see my work progress
4/ I go and have that coffee with my closest ones

The picture was taken at the beginning of a day spent with amazing people. Baked apples with almonds and agave syrup.
And coffee. Simplicity.

This is a repost of my last year’s Instagram update. You can follow me here.



Rita Pater

Business strategist and coach helping people find their unique path. I work with entrepreneurs and leaders on their personal brands and growth. #changeisfemale