Unleashing the Power of McKinsey’s Problem-Solving Approach: My Key Takeaways from ‘The McKinsey Way’ by Ethan Rasiel #McKinsey #Consulting #ProblemSolving #BookReview

Ritesh Poudel
4 min readApr 13, 2023


Have you ever wondered what it takes to be a top-tier business consultant? Are you looking for practical insights and tips on how to approach complex problems and deliver results that drive business success? Look no further than “The McKinsey Way” by Ethan M. Rasiel. This book offers a fascinating inside look at McKinsey & Company, one of the most prestigious consulting firms in the world, and their approach to solving business problems. The author draws on his experience working at McKinsey to provide readers with practical advice on everything from building effective solutions to managing internal communications, conducting interviews, and working with clients. Whether you’re a consultant looking to improve your skills or a business leader seeking insights into McKinsey’s approach, “The McKinsey Way” is a must-read book that will help you think strategically and deliver results that drive business success.

The book is divided into 5 parts and accordingly I am writing the review and insights. In the first three parts, which Rasiel refers to as the ‘meat’ of the book, which explains how Mckinsey-ites think about Business problems and how they work at solving them and how they sell it to their clients. The fourth and the fifth parts provide valuable insights into McKinsey’s approach to managing client relationships and developing talent and offer useful advice on how to navigate McKinsey’s culture and build a successful career in consulting or other professional services industries.

The McKinsey Way of Thinking About Business Problems

The first part of the book emphasizes the importance of problem-solving skills in the consulting industry and outlines the McKinsey problem solving process — which is structured and analytical approach. It involves defining the problem, gathering, and analyzing data and developing recommendations. However, the consultant-client relationship, importance of building trust and effective communication is paramount.

One of the key take away here is the McKinsey’s approach to problem-solving, which emphasizes a structured and analytical approach to tackling complex business problems. The author provides an overview of McKinsey’s famous “MECE” framework (Mutually Exclusive, Collectively Exhaustive), which is used to break down complex issues into smaller, more manageable pieces.

The McKinsey Way of Working to Solve Business Problems

As you move to the next part of the book, the author provides an in-depth look at the day-to-day work of McKinsey consultants, including their approach to research, analysis, and client management. Apart from attention to detail and rigorous analysis, including gathering and organizing data, developing hypotheses, and testing assumptions the author mainly stresses the importance of effective communication, both within the McKinsey team and with clients, in order to ensure that findings and recommendations are clearly and persuasively communicated.

One of the key themes of this section is the importance of teamwork and collaboration in McKinsey’s approach. The author describes the “team of teams” approach, in which McKinsey consultants work together in small groups to tackle specific problems, while also coordinating with other teams working on related issues. The author emphasizes that this approach is essential to ensuring that the recommendations developed by McKinsey are integrated and aligned with the broader goals of the client organization.

The McKinsey Way of Selling Solutions

In the third section of the book, McKinsey’s approach to selling solutions, including how to make effective presentations, how to display data with charts, and how to work with clients highlighted. The author provides practical advice on how to communicate effectively with clients, and how to tailor presentations and recommendations to meet their needs and concerns.

This part offers valuable insights into how to communicate effectively with clients and provides practical advice on how to develop effective presentations and recommendations. It also emphasizes the importance of understanding clients’ needs and concerns, and tailoring solutions to meet those needs.

Surviving at McKinsey & Life After McKinsey

The last two sections offer valuable insights into how to succeed at McKinsey and beyond. For surviving at McKinsey, and author provides readers with practical advice on how to navigate the firm’s culture, work effectively with mentors and assistants, and balance work and life. The most valuable take away here is the practical advice on how to recruit McKinsey style.

The final part of the book — Life after McKinsey -author offers valuable insights into how to apply the skills they learned at the firm to other career paths. Author emphasizes the importance of continuing to develop one’s problem-solving and analytical skills and provides readers with practical tips and advice on how to do so. It also emphasizes the importance of maintaining a strong network of professional contacts, and offers strategies for doing so.

Key Takeaways and Conclusion

· Use the 80/20 rule to focus on the most critical issues.

· Break down complex problems into smaller, manageable components.

· Selling a study involves building trust and managing client expectations.

· Collaboration and teamwork are essential for success.

· Always seek out mentors and continuously learn and improve.

In conclusion, “The McKinsey Way” is a must-read for anyone interested in consulting, problem-solving, or business strategy. With its clear, concise writing style and practical advice, the book provides readers with a comprehensive guide to the McKinsey approach to problem-solving, from developing a structured approach to tackling complex issues to selling solutions and surviving in the high-pressure world of management consulting. Through its top five key takeaways, the book offers valuable insights into how to approach business problems and build a successful career in consulting. Overall, “The McKinsey Way” is an impactful book that will leave readers feeling empowered to tackle any business problem with confidence and clarity.



Ritesh Poudel

Data driven Product Leader and design thinking practitioner with expertise in problem solving, strategy and delivery of intelligent solutions!