CS371p Fall 2022: Rithik Batchu

Rithik Batchu
3 min readOct 10, 2022


What did you do this past week?

This past week I finished debugging my implementation of Voting and wrote my unit tests, acceptance tests, and all the required flow on GitLab. I also had a lot of work to do because I was working on my Computer Networks assignment to implement routing through RouteTables and SwitchTables. I also had a hard time debugging my cloud computing project where we had to implement a parallel version of Gradient Descent optimization using MapReduce.

What’s in your way?

The hardest thing for me was when I didn’t have my pipeline fully setup, it was really hard to test my code because there were very few open test cases with displayed example output. Because of this, I was failing tests 2 and 3 on hackerrank and I thought it was a correctness issue so I spent a lot of time debugging, but it was just a formatting issue where I didn’t have blank lines between my answers. In my other classes, it was just tough because they were difficult to finish in just the one week allotted.

What will you do next week?

I will start scoping out the new project, allocator, that was just released. I will also continue attending class and learn more about the principles of the STL. I’ll also work on my new cloud computing and networks lab. They entail data processing using spark as well as implementing address resolution and such.

What did you think of Paper #7: The Liskov Substitution Principle?

I think this was actually a really good paper because this one of the first concepts in the readings that I hadn’t thought too deeply about and which the consequences I hadn’t expected. I think a good summary would be that when making inheritance models that are publicly exposed, make sure the guarantees are on the behaviors of the classes and not just the data.

What was your experience of std::array() and std::vector? (this question will vary, week to week)

I think it was super fun learning about the different intricacies and nuances of how these standard library objects work. It was cool to see how even the time complexity of initialization can vary so much. I actually didn’t know that an array object even existed so seeing how it was different from vector was really cool as well. Vectors are awesome!

What made you happy this week?

It was really hard to finish all my assignments since I had projects for all 3 of my classes due at the same time, but I’m glad that I was able to get it all done! I also went to Dallas this weekend for the State Fair and the UT vs OU game and it was so cool seeing UT absolutely crush OU!

What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?

My tip of the week is to use GitHub Copilot. It’s actually super cool because it’s free for students with the student developer pack. It’s really great because it speeds up developer efficiency a lot by filling in boilerplate code. It was especially useful for me this time when writing my test cases because it filled in the boilerplate test data for me every time.

