Anyone can learn to code, but coding isn’t for everyone

Rithm School
5 min readDec 13, 2016


In the learn to code community, you’ll often hear one simple mantra: anyone can learn how to code. After all, for many self-taught developers it wasn’t too long ago that they were learning on my own. If they can do it, the thinking goes, so can anyone else, especially when surrounded by other like-minded people with the same goal.

But just because anyone can learn how to code, doesn’t mean everyone should learn how to code. The failure to acknowledge this fact does a disservice to the industry as a whole. For evidence, look no further than last week’s Bloomberg article, “Want a Job in Silicon Valley? Keep Away From Coding Schools.” The article highlights a number of problems with the industry, including:

  1. Little oversight leads to misleading marketing. Many bootcamps tout compelling statistics about hiring rates and salary figures for graduates. But there’s little consensus about how these statistics should be calculated, and they’re sometimes gathered in a way that can produce bias. For instance, if schools rely on self-reporting for salary data, the numbers are likely to be inflated.
  2. Education doesn’t scale. As with many industries, there’s a tension between quantity and quality. If you want an extremely rigorous admissions process, you’re going to admit a smaller number of people. But if you’re trying to scale rapidly and hit ambitious revenue targets, there’s an incentive to cut corners in order to fill classes. And if a school prioritizes quantity over quality, people who are not prepared for the program may be admitted before they’re ready. In the short term, the school hits its numbers, but over the long term this is harmful not only to the school’s reputation, but to the student and the industry as a whole.
  3. Expectations around job placement are not always realistic. Regardless of the industry, it’s simply not realistic to think that after studying for three or four months you can get a job at one of the top companies in that industry. Occasionally students from bootcamps will get offers as software engineers from a company like Google or Apple, but it’s extremely rare. And it should be! These companies are known for hiring the best engineers in the world. Even if you’re a standout bootcamp student, it’s simply not possible for you to gain the experience necessary to land your dream job after a few months of study without a very specific prior background, industry experience, network, and a fair amount of luck.
  4. People chase technology jobs for the wrong reasons. Technology jobs pay well, sure. But if you love the idea of getting paid more than the idea of coding, you’re probably going to struggle. If you don’t love what you’re doing, it’s going to be much harder to be a successful developer. It’s easy to be lured in by marketing materials promising a great salary and flexibility, but often times, these materials fail to mention just how difficult programming is. Not only is programming difficult, but it’s a rapidly changing field and requires you to keep learning in order to stay relevant.

These are serious problems with the way for-profit education works in the industry. Fortunately for potential bootcamp students, there are a number of steps you can take to mitigate your risk, and ensure that your educational experience is positive.

  1. Self-assess. Be honest with yourself about why you want to pursue technology. Start by taking a free course or two, just to see whether or not you enjoy the process of coding and if you even need a bootcamp. Start with resources like Rithm’s Free Online Courses or Free Code Camp. Then ask yourself some bigger questions. Are you fascinated with computers? Do you love building things with technology? Or are you just looking for a gig that pays the bills? If it’s the latter, you may want to explore opportunities in areas that actually interest you.
  2. Learn about the industry. Once you’ve decided to pursue a career in technology, it’s time to jump into the community. Network with other aspiring developers or attend meetups and learn more about the type of work you would be doing. Seek out other beginners who are learning about the same things as you.
  3. Prepare. If you are considering a coding bootcamp or know someone who is, make sure you do as much preparation as possible. Take the time to try to build things yourself. With all of the free resources available from FreeCodeCamp, CodeAcademy, and our own free Prep Courses, there’s plenty of opportunity to learn as much as you can on your own before investing more seriously in your education.
  4. Ask questions. Once you’ve found a few schools that interest you, be sure to do your due diligence. Visit the space; talk to current students; try to find out who your instructors will be, and talk to them as well. Here are a few specific questions you might want to ask: How many students do you have per class? How many instructors? What percentage of these instructors have both industry and education experience? How long does it take a student on average to find a job? What kinds of jobs do students graduate with? How do you handle struggling students? What kind of preparation is necessary to be successful?
  5. Set expectations. Make sure you have a realistic expectation around the potential hiring outcome and acknowledge that the job search will most likely be very difficult. Without prior experience, it’s very difficult to break into any industry, and web development is highly competitive. Making sure you understand just how difficult the transition will be is essential. Not only will you be competing with thousands of other bootcamp grads, but you’ll also be up against college graduates and seasoned developers.

It’s also important to set reasonable goals for your first job out of a bootcamp. You should strive to find a job where you’ll be coding every day and will have opportunities for mentorship, so that you can continue to learn and grow as an engineer. Your dream job probably won’t be your first job out of a bootcamp. But your second job just might be.

There’s plenty of opportunity in technology, and bootcamps absolutely fill a need for some people, but not all. They are serious investments that require thorough due diligence and an honest self-assessment. But if you’ve discovered that you love programming, do your research, and have reasonable expectations about job prospects, attending a bootcamp can absolutely be a first step in a long career as a developer.


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