Understanding Vape Juices: Differences Between Nicotine, Salt Nic, and Nicotine-Free Varieties:

Nick Macculum
4 min readJul 25, 2023


Vape juice, also known as e-liquid, is a vital component of the vaping experience, offering a vast array of flavors and formulations to suit the preferences of vapers worldwide. One of the critical distinctions among vape juices is their nicotine content, with three main categories dominating the market: nicotine, salt nic (nic salt), and freebase nicotine. Understanding the differences between these types of vape juice is essential for vapers to make informed choices about their vaping journey.

1. Nicotine Vape Juice:

Vape juice with nicotine is the most common and traditional form of vape liquid. It contains pure nicotine derived from tobacco leaves, and its strength is measured in milligrams per milliliter (mg/mL). Nicotine vape juice is available in various strengths, typically ranging from 3mg/mL to 18mg/mL, allowing vapers to choose the desired nicotine level based on their smoking habits or personal preference. This type of vape juice is ideal for vapers who are transitioning from smoking to vaping, as it provides a familiar nicotine experience.

2. Salt Nic Vape Juice:

vape juice salt nic, or nic salt, is a relatively newer addition to the market that has gained immense popularity due to its smoothness and rapid nicotine absorption. Vape juice salt nic contains a different form of nicotine that is combined with benzoic acid, resulting in a more stable compound. This formulation allows for higher nicotine concentrations without the harsh throat hit typically associated with traditional nicotine vape juice. Salt nic vape juice is available in higher strengths, often ranging from 20mg/mL to 50mg/mL, making it a suitable option for vapers who crave a strong nicotine hit or those trying to curb their nicotine cravings more efficiently.

4. Freebase Nicotine

Freebase nicotine vape juice is the classic form of nicotine found in most nicotine vape juices. Vape juice salt nic, freebase nicotine is not combined with any acids, resulting in a stronger throat hit at higher nicotine concentrations. Freebase nicotine vape juice is commonly available in strengths ranging from 3mg/mL to 12mg/mL. Vapers who prefer a more intense throat hit and are accustomed to vaping at lower nicotine levels often opt for freebase nicotine vape juice.

4. Vape Juice Without Nicotine:

Vape juice without nicotine, also known as nicotine-free or zero-nicotine e-liquid, is a popular option for vapers who prefer to enjoy the flavors and vaping experience without the presence of nicotine. These e-liquids offer a wide range of delicious flavors and come in various formulations to cater to different preferences. Nicotine-free vape juice provides a satisfying and enjoyable vaping experience without the stimulant effects of nicotine.

How to Choose Vape Juice Strength : Finding the Right Fit for Your Vaping Experience:

Selecting the appropriate vape juice strength is crucial to ensuring an enjoyable and satisfying vaping experience. With various nicotine concentrations available, vapers need to find the right fit that aligns with their preferences and smoking habits.

When determining how to choose vape juice strength , consider the following factors:

1. Smoking History:

If you were a heavy smoker or previously consumed cigarettes with a high nicotine content, you may prefer vape juice with higher nicotine levels initially. This will help satisfy your nicotine cravings and ease the transition from smoking to vaping. As you become more accustomed to vaping, you can gradually reduce the nicotine strength if desired.

2. Nicotine Tolerance:

Vapers with a higher nicotine tolerance may require stronger vape juice to achieve the desired effect. Conversely, those who are sensitive to nicotine or prefer a milder experience may opt for lower nicotine concentrations.

3. Frequency of Vaping:

Consider how often you vape throughout the day. If you find yourself frequently reaching for your device, a lower nicotine strength may be more suitable to avoid overconsumption.

4. Vaping Device:

The type of vaping device you use can influence your nicotine intake. For instance, pod systems and salt nic vape juices often provide a more potent nicotine hit due to their high concentrations.

Ultimately, the right vape juice strength varies from person to person. It’s essential to be mindful of your own preferences and needs when selecting vape juice strength or brand of your vape liquid. Some famous brands you can choose from are AIR FACTORY E-JUICES, NAKED 100 E-JUICES and CANDY KING E-JUICES


Without E-Juice or Vape Juice, a vape device is incomplete. E-Juices are available in a range of flavors to suit both your taste buds and your nicotine demands. E-juices are becoming more efficient by the day, and they are providing more and more enjoyment. In this article gone through with the varieties of ejuices with different strength level. So if you feel this content useful kindly do share it with your friends. Happy Vaping!

