CodePush Unleashed: Streamlining Mobile App Updates for React Native

5 min readSep 2, 2023


What is CodePush?

CodePush is a cloud-based service developed by Microsoft specifically designed for mobile app developers working with frameworks like React Native. It provides a powerful solution for deploying updates to mobile applications in a more efficient and user-friendly manner. Rather than requiring users to download a new version of the app from an app store, CodePush allows developers to deliver updates directly to users’ devices, reducing the friction associated with traditional app updates.

How Does CodePush Work?

Imagine you’ve developed a mobile app using React Native and you’ve released it to the app stores or Play Store. Over time, you realize that there are certain bugs to fix, features to enhance, or even critical security updates to deploy. Traditionally, you’d have to make the necessary changes, submit the updated version to the app stores, and wait for the approval process, which could take days or even weeks.

With CodePush, this process is streamlined and expedited:

  • Over-the-Air Updates: CodePush enables you to push updates directly to your users’ devices over the air, without requiring them to go through the app store update process.
  • Efficiency: Instead of bundling the entire app and waiting for app store approval, you can push specific code changes or updates directly to the app.
  • Instant Availability: Once you push an update, users who open the app will receive the new changes immediately, without having to go through any installation process.
  • Version Control: CodePush allows for versioning, ensuring that users receive the correct updates based on the version of the app they have installed.

Advantages of CodePush:

1. Faster Deployment:

  • Traditional app updates through app stores can take days or even weeks due to review processes.
  • CodePush enables immediate deployment of updates, reaching users in real time.
  • Critical bug fixes and urgent improvements can be delivered promptly.

2. Improved User Experience:

  • Users often delay or ignore app updates from app stores, leading to fragmentation.
  • CodePush ensures users always have the latest version with minimal effort.
  • User satisfaction increases as they experience fewer issues and receive new features quickly.

3. Increased Flexibility:

  • Developers can iterate and release updates more frequently.
  • Minor updates can be pushed without bundling all app code, saving time and resources.
  • Rapid iteration facilitates continuous improvement and innovation.

4. Cost Efficiency:

  • Traditional app updates involve costs related to app store submissions.
  • CodePush reduces the frequency of complete app store updates, resulting in cost savings.
  • Developers can allocate resources more effectively by focusing on impactful updates.

5. Offline Support:

  • CodePush allows updates to be downloaded and cached for offline use.
  • Users can access app content and functionality even without an active internet connection.
  • This feature is crucial for apps that emphasize offline capabilities.

6. Targeted Rollouts:

  • Developers can roll out updates to a subset of users for A/B testing.
  • This minimizes the risk of widespread issues and allows testing of new features on a smaller scale.
  • Data-driven decisions can be made based on user feedback and behavior.

7. Hotfixes and Rollbacks:

  • Critical bug fixes can be deployed without waiting for app store approvals.
  • In unforeseen issues, developers can quickly roll back to a previous version.
  • User experience is preserved by addressing problems swiftly.

8. Reduced User Friction:

  • Users are less likely to abandon an app due to frequent updates.
  • Avoiding lengthy app store update processes keeps users engaged and satisfied.
  • Users experience a smoother app journey without disruptions.

9. Time-to-Market Advantage:

  • Features and improvements can be delivered to users faster.
  • A competitive edge is gained by quickly responding to user needs and market trends.
  • Faster iteration cycles enable innovation and quicker adaptation.

10. Version Management:

  • Easier management of different app versions across user devices.
  • Ensures consistency in user experience across various app versions.
  • Developers can proactively address issues for older versions if necessary.

11. Seamless Adoption:

  • CodePush integrates transparently with app behavior.
  • Users don’t need to learn new behaviors or navigate unfamiliar interfaces.
  • This promotes a positive and intuitive user experience.

What is AppCenter?

App Center is a comprehensive suite of tools and services provided by Microsoft for building, testing, deploying, and monitoring mobile applications. It offers a range of services to streamline the entire app development lifecycle, including continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD), crash reporting, analytics, and more. CodePush is one of the services integrated within App Center, and it specifically addresses the seamless deployment of updates to mobile apps.

CodePush within App Center: CodePush is a key component of App Center that focuses on simplifying the process of updating mobile apps. It allows developers to deliver updates directly to users’ devices without the need for users to manually download and install updates from app stores. This aligns with the broader goal of App Center, which is to make the app development lifecycle more efficient, automated, and user-centric.

Several popular applications utilize CodePush to facilitate seamless updates and enhanced user experiences. Here are a few examples:

Microsoft Teams: Microsoft’s collaboration platform, Teams, uses CodePush to deliver updates to its mobile apps. This ensures that users have access to the latest features and improvements without requiring manual updates.

Skype: Skype, another Microsoft-owned communication tool, employs CodePush for faster and more efficient updates. Users receive bug fixes and new features without the delay of app store approvals.

Walmart: Walmart, the multinational retail corporation, leverages CodePush to maintain its shopping app. This allows them to swiftly address bugs and introduce new functionalities to improve the shopping experience.

Sephora: Sephora, the beauty and cosmetics retailer, employs CodePush to continuously improve its mobile app. This enables them to provide a seamless experience for customers shopping for beauty products.

McDonald’s: McDonald’s employs CodePush to enhance its mobile app, allowing users to order food and access deals seamlessly.


CodePush serves as a valuable ally for developers seeking to enhance their mobile apps through seamless updates. By enabling over-the-air updates and eliminating the need for manual user interventions, CodePush transforms the development landscape. This transformation leads to improved user experiences, faster updates, and heightened overall efficiency.

Furthermore, within the context of App Center, CodePush’s capabilities are elevated by its integration into a broader array of tools. This integration streamlines the app development process, allowing for rapid iteration, swift feature delivery, and enhanced user experiences. The marriage of CodePush and App Center empowers developers to efficiently create, test, and deploy high-quality apps.

For Implementation refer to this link.

Happy Coding!!

