My resume which landed me Data Analyst Job in 6 months

6 min readJun 18, 2022


Tips along with real snapshots of my resume!

Alright, as a newbie, you might be thinking, “How can I jazz up my CV like this? What’s the secret sauce to make it so darn attractive?” Well, worry not, my friend, because I’m here to spill all the beans and give you the lowdown on how to level up your resume game. Think of me as your buddy in this journey, and trust me, I’ve got your back with all the nitty-gritty details that got me where I am today.


You know what’s surprising? Many resumes these days don’t even bother with a GitHub or LinkedIn profile. But let me tell you something, if you wanna catch the hiring manager’s eye, you gotta step up your game and give ’em the good stuff.

Oh, and here’s a pro tip: don’t go all postal with your address on the CV. All they need to know is the city you’re in, nothing more, nothing less!

Now, check this out, we got two email IDs — and Come on, tell me which one looks better? Yep, you guessed it! The latter one, right? Get yourself a professional Gmail ID, and life becomes a breeze. Just one email to rule ’em all when you’re applying for jobs!

And hey, did you see that summary I wrote? It’s got all those snazzy adjectives, the works! Why? ’Cause we gotta impress those hiring peeps, am I right? Throw in every adjective you can find, even if it doesn’t fully define you. Hey, that’s what everyone does to sell their skills out there! Let’s make ’em sit up and take notice!


Oh man, I gotta confess, I made a boatload of mistakes in my resume. One of the biggest facepalms was not including my educational details. Can you believe it? I figured they’d just hop onto my LinkedIn and check it out. But oh boy, was I wrong! Talk about a major blooper.

Here’s the deal, these hiring folks are sifting through a gazillion resumes to fill a single spot. So if you’re making ’em work even harder by missing out vital info, they’re gonna hit that ‘Delete’ button faster than lightning. You don’t wanna end up in their trash bin, do ya?

And hey, take a look at this, I even listed out the subjects I studied during my Undergrad. Why? ’Cause not everyone’s a mind reader, especially when it comes to the funky stuff they teach in Economics honours. Gotta make things crystal clear, right?

Lesson learned the hard way, my friend. Let’s save ourselves from such facepalms and get that resume top-notch!


Oh, listen up, this one’s a major key! When it comes to listing skills, don’t just fluff it up with generic stuff. Nah, that won’t cut it! If you know your way around SQL, be upfront about it and throw in specifics like “SQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, etc.” That’s how you do it, my friend!

And let’s talk about those unnecessary fillers. You know, those “Communication skills, interpersonal skills, etc.” Sure, they’re skills, but they ain’t the ones that’ll get you hired. Be laser-focused and specific with the skills that actually matter for the job.

Oh, and here’s a little tip from the school of hard knocks. Make sure you add the right year of graduation! No “2018-Present” confusion, alright? Companies wanna see you’re gonna stick around for a while, so be clear about your graduation year.

Alright, now we’re talking! No more fluff and confusion. Let’s get that resume shining like a star!

Projects :

You know what? I didn’t even know about the fancy STAR Method to talk about my projects. So, I came up with my own game plan, simple and effective.

First off, I listed the tools I used for each project. I mean, they gotta know the skills I flexed, right? Then, I kept it snappy and gave a two-liner about what I did in each project. No long essays, just the juicy details!

Oh, and can’t forget the why! I made sure to spill the beans on why I took up each project. Gotta show ’em I’m driven and got purpose, you know?

Here’s a pro tip I stumbled upon — put the projects I’m super proud of right at the top. And hey, added the links to the projects too, so they can check ’em out firsthand. Can’t beat that!

And oh, don’t forget to slap on those dates, even if I made all those projects in just one month. Gotta show I’ve been on a productivity spree for a whole six months, right?

Boom! Resume game leveled up! Let’s make ’em see what we’re made of!

Work Experience:

Oh, let me give you the inside scoop on this one! So, it’s not exactly my full-on work experience, but more like a combo of internships and freelancing gigs. One recruiter called me up for an interview and gave me the lowdown. Turns out, I shouldn’t label it as work experience ’cause it could lead to some awkward pay slip situations. Yikes, no thanks!

But hey, in that section, I went all out on my internships and freelancing deets. I mean, I was transparent as glass! Gave ’em the nitty-gritty on the tools I rocked, and guess what? PowerBI was my secret sauce! You gotta be detailed, you know, show off those awesome contributions I made.

So, even though it’s not the full-on gig, let’s rock that internship + freelancing game and make ’em see what we’re made of with all the juicy PowerBI skills! Transparency for the win!

Hey, heads up! When applying for different roles, tweak that designation to match the job. Like, if you’re gunning for a Business Analyst gig, swap “Data Analyst” for that, you know? And yeah, you can totally whip up separate CVs for each role. Just save ’em as “Ritika Jaiswal.pdf,” not “Ritika Jaiswal CV.pdf” or “Ritika CV.pdf.” HR folks only see the PDF list, so keep it slick!

Oh, and listen, be kind to yourself. Things take time, trust me! I crafted this resume in a month with some good planning, jotting down all the stuff I wanted to add. You gotta do that too, plan ahead and scout for opportunities that match your dream job. It might seem overwhelming at first, like grappling with GitHub, but be patient, it’ll all fall into place.

And hey, I didn’t fuss with any ATS format while whipping up my resume. Just kept it real, with my genuine experience. You can Google that ATS Format if you wanna try it, though.

PS: Used for this fab template, loads of ’em to pick from. Go check it out! Wishing you all the best, pal! You got this!

I wrote another blog to upgrade you about my recent resume Do give it a read My resume after 1.5 year of experience

I have been getting mails like these for the past few months, that’s why i felt I should create a platform where I can have an interaction and help you people in your career, that’s why I made my Topmate profile to bridge this gap! If you’re stuck at Business Analyst Job Hunting or Need a mock interview practise before your interview or need help in your resume and LinkedIn profile building or if you’re just unaware what is going wrong, connect me there we will sit and talk about how to get you a job!!

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