How to make a good TECHNICAL RESUME

Riti Nema
5 min readMar 18, 2023


Note : This article and resume making is curated specifically for Software Engineering and technical jobs .

Resume plays a very important role towards landing your dream job.

Resume is required while applying for a company and while asking for a referral for a particular job . It plays an important role in getting shortlisted for interviews.
A good resume needs to have the following points:

Different Sections of Resume

a) Intro (name , email, contact)

Name, email and contact are the important things to mention in a resume . so, that a recruiter can contact you via email or contact in case of any queries. Don’t spend too many lines writing about your intro summary .

b) Education

Details regarding college , higher secondary (10th standard) and senior secondary (12th standard) should be mentioned in the education section. year of completion and percentage/CGPA scored should be mentioned .

c) Experience

  • Mention about the product / feature you worked on and explain your contribution to it .
  • Mention the tech stack you worked upon.
  • Mention your Company name, position and tenure .

d) Technical Skills

It’s a good idea to list your languages and technologies, but remember that anything you list here is “fair game” for the interviewer to test. If you want to list a language but you happen to be a bit rusty in it, consider listing it as something like: “C++ (Proficient), C# (Prior Experience), …”

Technical skills should be categorised based on whether your skill is based on a programming language , databases, frameworks etc. This make your skills to be presented in a more structured way . Example of how you can categorize your skills is :

Skills : Data Structure , Algorithms , OOP , OS , Computer Networks
Programming Languages : C++, Python, Java , C#, Go, Scala, Kotlin
Libraries : React.js, Spring Boot, pandas , Redux, node.js
Databases : Postgres Sql, Mysql , Mongo DB, DynamoDB
Platforms :Github, Visual Studio Code, PGadmin, Jira

e) Profile links

  • Links to all the coding sites and github should be mentioned with links being clickable.
  • Links to coding profile shows your problem solving skills
  • Links of github and other open source platforms shows your open-source contribution and development skills.

f) Projects

Most candidates should pick their top 3–5 projects to list on their resume. These can be academic required project or independent projects. They do not need to be completed or launched either. As long as you’ve done a “meaty” amount of work on them, that’s good enough!

  • Description about project should be clear, understandable and in bullet point with tech used being mentioned properly.
  • Important words should be highlighted in the project’s description.
  • Link of the hosted project should be there with the project or the github link of the project .

g) Achievements

You can put additional experience, like leadership activities or awards, in a section like this . Be careful here to focus on what really matters. If you’re applying for a coding role, your role as an College event organiser is probably not very important!

  • Achievements should be written in bullet point with the main words being highlighted .
  • Achievements can be, the number of coding problems solved , rankings of coding challenges , rankings of hackathons , ratings on coding platforms or any other technical achievement .

How a good Resume looks like (Imp points to follow)

  1. Resume should be one pager .

Recruiters do not read your resume. they do a 15–30 second “spot check” of your resume. When your resume is too long, it just takes your best stuff — the stuff that would have made the “one page cut” — and dilutes it with more mediocre content. Lengthy resumes do not make you more impressive.

2. Don’t add objective section to your Resume

All an objective does is state, in a wordy way, what position you’re interested in. The company already knows that because you applied for a particular position. At best, it’ll just waste space. At worst, it’ll limit you since it’ll exclude other positions that might have been interesting to you.

3. Short Bullets

Because resume screeners only spend 15–30 seconds on your resume, length bullets — anything that feels like a paragraph — just won’t get read. Keep your bullets to one to two lines (with one line being better than two).

4. Accomplishment Oriented

Your bullets should focus on your accomplishments — that is, the impact you had — rather than your responsibilities. What did you build, create, design, optimize, lead, etc?

5. Quantify

Whenever possible, you should quantify your accomplishments. If you optimized something, by how much? If you won an award, out of how many people?

6. Black and blue colour are more preferable while making a resume.

7. Photographs should be avoided in technical resume.

8. Font-size, Font styling, and Spacing should be even everywhere.

9. Only mention the skills and projects which you are confident in . DON’T Exaggerate in Resume .

10. Restrain yourself from mentioning anything which is non-technical .

Resume Types

There are generally two formats in which resume can be made .

  1. Horizontal Format

2. Grid format

Standard Resume Templates

These are some of the standard resume templates . Either you can design it on canva or you can take inspiration from it and make a similar one with your changes on any website you prefer.

Horizontal Format Resume Templates

Block Format Resume Templates

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