expo-router-starter-kit - Pioneering the Future of Mobile Development

Zoltan Fodor
2 min readOct 30, 2023

Upon the advent of expo-router, I was captivated. It marked a significant shift in how we craft code in React Native, prompting me to hop on the expo-router bandwagon swiftly. Born out of a desire to accelerate my pace in birthing new mobile app concepts, I initiated the expo-router-starter-kit as a personal template. During the venture of shaping this starter template, I was fortunate to cross paths with an exceptional developer, Kewin, who now contributes to molding the expo-router-starter-kit.

The foundational template available at https://github.com/ritmillio/expo-router-starter-kit isn’t flawless but has already proven its worth in aiding individuals to hasten the realization of their MVP ideas. Nonetheless, we envision a grander scheme for the expo-router-starter-kit. Our blueprint involves wrapping a CLI around the kit, encompassing a spectrum of templates like barebone, base, e-commerce among other pragmatic scenarios yet to be etched on the drawing board. The consensus is to first iron out all the wrinkles in the current template before diving into the CLI implementation.

In the realm of data fetching, our choice is to lean on react-query and axios for the time being. We will be parting ways with Nativewind due to its ceased support and the FPS drops it induces in some scenarios within the app. Therefore, we’re reverting to native styling (should you have a worthy React Native JSX styling library in mind, we’re open to suggestions). Moreover, we plan to rectify the dark/light theme toggling and introduce more Universal components.

If you harbor enthusiasm for React Native, expo, or expo-router, your support would be invaluable. Grace us with a star on GitHub, engage in brainstorming sessions, or articulate your thoughts, ideas, and the bugs you’ve encountered on our dedicated Discord channel: https://discord.gg/AWPC3FRsk4.

We are on the lookout for like-minded developers with a penchant for React Native and expo to nurture this repository for the collective advantage.

Stay tuned! Monumental developments are on the horizon!

