Apple Mail Redesigned | Behind The Work

Rito de Damacia
3 min readDec 27, 2018


Check out the full project:

If you have an iPhone, chances are that you have tried Apple’s own mail app. To be 100 with you, the app is fast — blazing fast and responsive. It’s totally fine if you are the type who check emails once in 6 months. Apple mail is too simple to the point that it becomes plain, dull and demotivating to work with. The problem ranges from iOS to big iOS (ipad) to MacOS:

  1. “Dead End” UX path
  2. Interface of text
  3. Unused space


1. ‘Dead End’ UX path

Well, I’m not an expert to know the exact term for this. What I’m trying to say is in there, you get out of something in one way and cannot go back on the same path.

This can be easily fixed with a hamburger menu. But I prefer not. Because you have to reach your thumb all the way up to the top of the screen and it creates a cramping space that you want to get out of ASAP.

My solution is simple: cards. We can see this type of organizing everywhere in newspaper stands, CD racks or look no further, wallets.

Newspaper stand, CD rack, wallet
Using card to navigate

2. Interface of text

Actually… text is not an issue. The real issue is in Apple mail app, there is literally very little navigation cue. Everything looks the same from Inbox to mail content. It feels like the Setting app. Spending 30 seconds in there is fine but imagine using it the whole day? My gosh, nightmare.

The solution is effortless: adding a profile picture to Inbox’s interface. Human’s mind processes information faster than you think it would. A familiar or strange face affects your mood toward answering that e-mail. I add more colors to the app: ocean blue for compose & new mails; honey orange for flagged mails; red for drafts, black for trash plus you can customize labeled mails’ color. Oh, and the New/Flagged indicator gets bigger too and you have a rough number of how many people there are in the conversation, more information! Does your brain feel fast already?

3. Wasted Space

I’m not against the bottom bar but in the app it is the least useful. All it does in Inbox is displaying read/unread button and compose button.

So how about removing the bar and add an adaptive button.

Focus Mode

It’s time Apple mail has some kind of “smart” e-mail organizing. So I think why not grouping flagged (pin) mails together?

Thanks for reading!

